The germ of a Kawasaki Voyager club began as a chance encounter between a couple of Voyager riders. In 1986 Bob and Char Jones purchased a 1984 Kawasaki Voyager 1300 motorcycle. While Bob was riding through his neighborhood, Glenn Kuffer driving by in his pickup truck stopped and introduced himself as a fellow Voyager rider. After a few minutes of talk they exchanged phone numbers and arranged to meet for a ride. Two other 1300 riders in the area came along on the ride as well.
With that much interest showing in a small town of just 5,000 people the four fellows thought maybe they could locate others with the same interest. They made contact with a local Kawasaki dealer that was willing to share names of customers that rode the 1300. In a short time there were ten motorcyclists that rode with their wives on weekend trips and long day rides. Sometimes an evening ride just to get pie and ice cream was the order of the day.
One thing led to another, interest grew, and they formally established a club in the fall of 1987, the American Voyager Association (AVA,) with Jim Jordan serving as the first president. The club continued to grow and Ed Gelasi designed the club logo that, with a couple of minor changes, is the logo we have today, seen at the top of this page.
During one of the meetings, someone asked if Kawasaki USA might be willing to help the club grow. With nothing to lose, Bob Jones contacted Kawasaki and they said "Yes!" Kawasaki said they would be willing to mail out 5,000 club introductory letters that the club would provide (already stuffed in envelopes!), and Kawasaki would pay the postage. That mailing brought in many new members!
The club continued to grow and we held the first AVA Rally in 1990 in New Hampton, Iowa. We have had a rally every year since and the 2017 rally in Nashville, Indiana will be our 28th annual rally. Our rallies are four days during the second full week of June. We generally have an introductory dinner and party the first night. During the week are guided and self-guided rides around the area, bike games where attendees test their riding skills riding through an obstacle course, a parade through town, a "show 'n shine" bike show where you get to show off your pride and joy, and an awards banquet the last night. Our rallies are at different locations around the country. Click here to see where we've been!
Since 1990 many of our members have moved on to other rides, newer Kawasaki Voyagers, Yamahas, Goldwings, even Harleys and Victories. We welcome riders of all makes and models of motorcycles, whether they have two wheels, three, or even four! All you need is an interest in riding motorcycles and meeting like minded people. We are not a "Biker" club, but rather ordinary people who enjoy getting out and riding!
Today the AVA has 15 state and regional Chapters throughout the country. These are local clubs affiliated with the AVA that sponsor local rides and even regional rallies. To find out if there is a chapter in your area, visit our AVA Chapters page.

The purpose of the American Voyager Association is to:
- exchange ideas and information;
- promote motorcycling pleasure, recreation, and safety;
- coordinate common motorcycle efforts; and
- create camaraderie and friendship of all AVA members
The AVA is a member of the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA).
To view the AMA Certificate,
Click Here
To view our Constitution and Bylaws, click here.