Thought I'd go to the source for some research

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Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by jaxbb3 »


My name is Bill Bright. Just turned 62 and got started thinking about that motorcycle trip that is on my bucket list.

I have been riding over 25 years and am currently a MSF RiderCoach in St. Johns County FL. (just south of Jacksonville)

I ride a 1998 Honda Shadow ACE Tourer which is a great bike for day rides, weekend trips and such but just won't do for the long haul.

I began to look at different touring bikes and have been reseaching a number of them. I am interested in possibly going to a Voyager XII but would like to get some info and thought I'd join your group and tap the collective brain.

So what should I know about the XII. I am thinking on staying in the late 90's to 2000's models. Anything to watch out for? I am a member of the Shadow Tourer forum and they have a special forum area for general info for new owners. Did I miss that kind of forum here? If so, sorry, not very technical. Questions like "Is there an easy upgrade from the cassette player to a unit with MP3/CD capabilities? " keep popping up.

Anything this group could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and Ride Safe.
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Re: Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by usmalenurse »

Welcome to the forum. The Voyager XII is an excellent touring bike and I'm sure it would suit your purposes just fine. I was fortunate to find a '97 model with just under 20K on it. I changed out all the fluids, replaced a 5amp fuse and charged up the battery and so far, so good. I've put over 20K on it now and with the exception of tires and a couple of brake pads...that's it. Plenty of posts in here that will point out items to watch out for but I'd recommend giving Carl Leo a call, he can tell you anything you want to know about the Voyager VII's.
Charles Hairr
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Re: Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by gearheadfla »

The XII is Kawasaki's best kept secret, very dependable, stayed the same through out it's entire run, just a couple little maintenance tricks that is covered here and have been known to go over 300k. I have a 88 and it is rock steady, had it going over 4 years now and has never let me down. Pete here can hook you up with the I-Pod for your radio and Carl Leo, who lives in Daytona can help you with questions, support and parts if needed. We have the Sunshine State Voyagers here, we get together a few times a year from across the state and ride. You will like the choice you made if you go with a XII, like I say, all of them but the 86 are the same, 1986 was the 1st year for them and did not have cruise control or rear speakers, also had a problem with the ingiter that was corrected in mid 87, so you don't really have to limit yourself to late 90's or 2000's, comes down to color choice.
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
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Re: Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by Gator Mike »

As has been said this bike is bullet proof. They are easy to work on when needed and this forum has a massive amount of info that usually gets answered within a couple of days. Carl Leo is the resident guru having worked for a Kawi dealership for many years. Some things to know are that the wiring harness near the ign. sw. has zip ties that need to be cut off as they cause the wires to stretch. If you should find one with oem Dunlap 404 tires (not likely) GET RID OF THEM as they cause all kind of problems. The rear end can sometimes be a little noisey as it has square cut gears but usually not a problem. If you should look at an 86 or 87 look under the faux gas tank at the ignitor. The last four of the part number should not end in 1179 as that ignitor had problems, There are probably a few more but as you can see there aren't many issues for a nearly 30 year old production run. For a heavy touring bike it is very nimble at slow speeds and even though it won't follow crotch rockets thru curves it will surprise you at how well it will take them. All in all I don't think your will find a better tourer for the money. Best of luck with your hunting......Gator Mike
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Re: Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by biggersm »

If you do decide to get a Voyager than send Jim (gearheadfla who posted above) and myself a private e-mail and we will add you to our mailing list. The Sunshine State Voyagers is pretty active year round. Most of our activities tend to be in the center portion of the state usually within a 75 mile radius of Orlando. We have a member in Jacksonville. Our next activity will be either the first or second weekend of August (weather depending) when we do a 250 mile bike ride around Orlando, all on scenic and somewhat curvy backroads.

As for getting a Voyager XII they are getting old and hard to find parts for but Carl Leo is a Sunshine State Voyager member and either has or can find anything you need. If you are good with older, carburated engines most of the other mechanical stuff is straight forward (except for the two drain bolts for the oil and the cartridge type filter).
Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

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Re: Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by doug of so fla »

A couple months ago I traded my 3rd 2002 XII for a Goldwing after putting 400m miles on XII's & and doing all my own maint . I can say it is the best MC you can buy . If they still mfg them I would have another one. Be advised My 2002 may be still sitting in a warehouse at Gator Harley in Leesburg, Fla. Rick Greenlee, sales, 352-787-8050 with just over 100,00mi on it and you could not find a better XII, Has many xtras, & is in near perfect condition. They do not advertise trade ins, just wholesale them out, that is how I got the Goldwing at a price I could afford. It would be nice if a neighbor goter going again!!! :hmm:
doug of no fla
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Re: Thought I'd go to the source for some research

Post by gearheadfla »

doug of so fla wrote:A couple months ago I traded my 3rd 2002 XII for a Goldwing after putting 400m miles on XII's & and doing all my own maint . I can say it is the best MC you can buy . If they still mfg them I would have another one. Be advised My 2002 may be still sitting in a warehouse at Gator Harley in Leesburg, Fla. Rick Greenlee, sales, 352-787-8050 with just over 100,00mi on it and you could not find a better XII, Has many xtras, & is in near perfect condition. They do not advertise trade ins, just wholesale them out, that is how I got the Goldwing at a price I could afford. It would be nice if a neighbor goter going again!!! :hmm:
I will say if you can snag Doug's XII, you will have a PERFECT XII. I have seen and rode with it many times before he got his "old man's bike " Goldwing lol. If I had the room for it it would have all ready been in my stable, but with 5 of them here now, Lori would have to sleep in a tent in the back yard, and you know how that would work out. :gig: Do yourself a HUGE favor, run, don't walk to the dealership and lay eyeballs on it.
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
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