Help needed in NJ Area:.. Problem Solved.. Thanks to all

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Help needed in NJ Area:.. Problem Solved.. Thanks to all

Post by suzib6sw »

Folks, if there is anyone in the NJ area of Irvington who can possibly help me out and a fellow (Non ava at the moment) owner.

I sold a heavily modified radio up there a few months ago and the gentleman had to pay over $400 to have it installed.. When I sent the radio, it was in full working condition but the transit and install sounds like it broke one of the wires on the MP3 hookup.. So. although everything else works the MP3 only plays out of one side..

Now , the owner is very reluctant to have to cough up another $4-500 to have the radio removed again and swapped out.. So What Im hopeing someone can help me with is...

Receive a new radio from me, take it over to the owner, remove the fairing and old broken radio and install the new and re-install the fairing..
I have all the details on how to do the job but he is reluctant to do it himself.. He is a fire officer up there so times would have to be worked out..

If anyone can help me out , for Radio mods or compensation, I would be very grateful.

Call me on 540 391 0884..


Want MP3 or GPS Mods to the Voyager Radio or have a Broken Radio or CB? Call me 540 391 0884 or Carl" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Help needed in NJ Area

Post by ekap1200 »

Pete, I'm down in southern NJ, If he could bring it down to me it would be better. During the week I work a full time job and could work on it in the evenings. Ask him if he knows where Williamstown is. I tend to stay out of northern New Jersey and have never heard of Irvington. I will look it up tonight.
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Re: Help needed in NJ Area

Post by chevyman1 »

I am in PA about 125 miles away from him, I could do it but it would have to be on a Sunday.
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