cruise control not engaging

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cruise control not engaging

Post by gearhead997 »

I recently purchased a 93 1200 and the turn signals and cruise would not engage. Fixed turn signal problem with new flasher. I have a pdf manual but the wiring diagram is not very good and has no cruise control switches or relays shown. the green light will come on but cruise will not engage. I have checked clutch switch brake switch on foot and hand brake. Any help would be appreciated. :tho:
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Re: cruise control not engaging

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The usual problem is one of the "cruise" switches is not operating correctly. You should hear two clicks when working your front brake lever for example, if you don't hear two clicks, the cruise (not brake), switch is not working. Maybe it needs cleaned, or is out of position and not being activated correctly. Same with the rear brake. Remove the black cover down by the rear brake pedal and see if the "cruise" switch there is clicking when the brake is pressed, or if it is always "clicked". An adjustment may be needed. The clutch lever is another likely place to check operation. There is also a switch on the carbs, but that is much less likely to be the problem.
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Cruise will only engage in 5th gear (unless mods are made). I made the same mistake a few times till I really looked into and and asked. Felt silly then but others assured me that the only way to find out is to ask. :hmm:
Also if the speedometer cable is broke you will lose auto cancel on turn signals, auto advance on radio volume & cruise control. Food for thought!
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by joerod777 »

Scott is correct. I've had same experience
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by debron »

Gearhead, the responses above are correct, the problems with cruise control are usually either a bad switch someplace (often at the front brake lever, though there are a total of 5-7 switches affecting the cruise, don't recall the exact number,) or not being in 5th gear.

As to your manual, there are two service manuals for the XII. The main, larger manual written for the '86 XII and a smaller supplemental manual covering changes only after '86, most of which occurred in '87. The main service manual will cover 80% or more of your needs. However, cruise control was added in '87 so it is not covered in the manual you have.
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by k7nutN7nut »

Gear, as everyone has already said, check switches...mine on my '00 has always turned out to be mt rear foot switch. One phillips screw removes the black plastic cover to acess the brake switch, if you need to adjust the pedal, it's alittle more involved.
One way to eliminate that as a problem is to, slip a piece of paper between the contacts(reed looking metal tabs)so the brake light won't be able to come on and test it, just a thought?
And yes, you will need to get the Supplement Manual.
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by gearhead997 »

Thanks everyone for the replies. Soon as can get back home from work later in the week I'll start checking all the switches and try to find a supplemental manual.
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by k7nutN7nut »

Gear, as I was driving to work, I realized I was off a bit on my last post. The twin reeds under the black cover, is the switch for the Cruise Control, not the brake light, but, you can try as I said to see if it's making contact. The brake switch is behind the shaft for the pedal and behind the engine. I had to adjust mine, because I noticed on the way home at night, that the road signs were reflecting too much as I looked at them in my mirror's. My brake light switch was set way wrong!
I adjusted it out and the cruise control started working just as it should. :thmup:
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by kjsett »

k7nutN7nut wrote:Gear, as I was driving to work, I realized I was off a bit on my last post. The twin reeds under the black cover, is the switch for the Cruise Control, not the brake light, but, you can try as I said to see if it's making contact. The brake switch is behind the shaft for the pedal and behind the engine. I had to adjust mine, because I noticed on the way home at night, that the road signs were reflecting too much as I looked at them in my mirror's. My brake light switch was set way wrong!
I adjusted it out and the cruise control started working just as it should. :thmup:
Don't know about the others, but my bike's CC would only work for a few seconds from the day my son sold it to me. Turns out I had 2 issues:
front hand brake switch was bad (adjustment helped, but any bump would set it off) so bought one off of ebay and replaced it.
CC cable adjustment. Had to take right side fairing off to reach it and found it had never been adjusted. Did so, now love it. Now I can set it, take a nap, watch a ball game, just enjoy the scenery. :bat:
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by lockwoodjohn »

Hi Everyone,
After reading this topic I went and checked out my CC on my 95.
Mine would not engage either. I had to push my front brake lever out
by using my thumb on the back side of the lever then when I pulled it
It could hear two clicks. Took the bike for a ride turned on CC and it
In gauged and worked fine! I guess I need to adjust something just not sure what. I will try to clean switch and lube brake lever. Then see if that helps.
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by gery »


Is indicator OD in fifth gear is lit ?

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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by Cowboy 2 »

Im a new owner of my first Kawasaki and it is a 2003 voyager and the cruise control power liight will work one time and no matter how it goes off it will not cone back on for hours . Usually the next morning i do it again its like it resets electronically. I believe i have an electronic component like a capcitor failing in the controller or power supply . Does anyone out there know about this , i am desperate for any help please. Just call me Stu Pididiot , Thankyou
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Re: cruise control not engaging

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Check the following:

1. Bike in 5th gear
2. Front brake light switch - you should hear two clicks when you pull the lever in slowly. If not, try pushing the lever out then try again. You may need to lube the lever pivot. If you don't hear two clicks, try squirting some contact cleaner into the hole in the bottom of the brake light switch - it's got two wires going to it
3. Most electrical wierdnesses can be traced to the big 10-pin connector to the left of the battery and down, roughly.
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