new 2009 owner ??

This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager 1700 V-Twin.

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new 2009 owner ??

Post by x-storm »

Hi folks just over a week ago I picked up a 09-Voyager w/5100 miles and have been reading the forums and know that the PCM may need replaced, finding GOOD tires can be a pain (always is for the heavy cruisers) and that as with most big twins we have engine heat :-O ,ok that said Ive already installed the Cobra pipe's, K/N air filter, rear speaker kit, cut the stock sheild down to 8" so I can see over it an the Klock Works sheild is on it's way
So far I'm LOVEN this bike ...only a couple of problems I would like to take care of and would like some input
#1 what are the rider's finding for Hwy peg's I find my foot about 6" away from the crash bar's an so far am only able to find a 4" off-set {sucks having 31"inseem}
#2 do'se any one know if they make a forward peg control kit ?,,after riding for over 40yr this is my first bourd bike an need less to say Im having a tough time adapting to the bourds
Any input would help :pray: thanks, Dan
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Re: new 2009 owner ??

Post by Terros »
You can check this web site, these pegs have several different length attachments that will fit just about anybody.
I just googled dually pegs.
Bob :thmup:
Live dying or Die living
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