2014 Rally Info?

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Scott-(Altoona, PA)
King of the Road
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2014 Rally Info?

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Is there an itinerary available yet for the 2014 AVA rally in Asheville?
I know the new board members are diligently working to ensure that this organization continues to exist for all Voyagers past, present and future and with that I also understand that they've been working their butts off organizing this years events as time was limited for them. With all that I understand that expectations should be a tad more lenient but with the rally only 1 month away, I was wondering if the itinerary was available yet!

And to the board I would like to give a round of applause :clap: in advance for all the work they've done to date.
Mid-Atlantic Voyagers chapter secretary {"scribe"}
2001 Voyager XII
We may not know them all, but we owe them all! Thank a Veteran today!
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