Does anyone else find that closing the throttle at low speeds(say mostly in second gear),nearly pitches you into the windscreen?
I fine a very abrupt on/off throttle change with(I suspect)fuel injection .
I am hoping(against hope)that maybe this is something that the dealer can maybe fix with a ecu re flash..
Have you had any aftermarket grips installed, just wondering due to having seen issues with installation and throttle response etc. after installation before.
I have the same trouble ..
I think the matter is in the ecological compatibility of the system, there is a valve for oxygenation of the exhaust manifold, and there is an O2 sensor.
here he tunes the mixture in this interval is very bad ..
Now bought a blend (system) instead of an O2 sensor and a snag on the valve in addition to air.
Let's see what happens, I'll sign off if you do not block for debts)
Do you have an O2 oxygen sensor?