He said he wanted a "couple hundred" bucks for it if he had to go thru the trouble of gettin it out from back there,....So to make a long story short ....I got it out and pulled it home for $75.00
Got it home and got out the pressure washer to remove 20 years of leaves, sticks ,vines,heck there was even some plants that had seeded themselves in to the compost

now the work begins........

This is clearly a home made trailer, but the guy that built it had skills ....and spent more than 75 bucks on material,and ALOT of time fabricating and welding this baby together...I'm thrilled to have it

A good clean up and a bunch of coats of grey rust-o-leum has got her lookin better already

I'm going to make my own u-bolts for what I have in mind for the shock and strut brackets that will also be made for this project.......................more later....tony