3 RAIL bike trailer

Use a trailer for M/C camping, storage, or hauling your bike? Need some wiring advice, brand or model advice? Here's where you want to be.

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3 RAIL bike trailer

Post by Lucasind »

So I went to look at a bike advertised, I passed on the bike (way too much work,too far gone) but I noticed something behind this guy's back garage.....an old 3 rail bike trailer, I asked if it was 4 sale and he said "THAT OLD THING" ? ? it hasn't been stickered or out from back there since 94' !
He said he wanted a "couple hundred" bucks for it if he had to go thru the trouble of gettin it out from back there,....So to make a long story short ....I got it out and pulled it home for $75.00

Got it home and got out the pressure washer to remove 20 years of leaves, sticks ,vines,heck there was even some plants that had seeded themselves in to the compost :gig:
now the work begins........


This is clearly a home made trailer, but the guy that built it had skills ....and spent more than 75 bucks on material,and ALOT of time fabricating and welding this baby together...I'm thrilled to have it :clap: it only has leaf springs ,and bounces like a basketball down the road, so I am gonna install some coil over shocks and add a set of gas struts that I bought for my wifes chevy celebrity 20 years ago,and never got around to installing :gig: I knew I was saving them all this time for something important :lol:


A good clean up and a bunch of coats of grey rust-o-leum has got her lookin better already :thmup: ......The gas struts are still in the box,,,,but the celebrity is LONG gone !


I'm going to make my own u-bolts for what I have in mind for the shock and strut brackets that will also be made for this project.......................more later....tony :-D
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Re: 3 RAIL bike trailer

Post by cushman eagle »

I see you got your bike lift[sorry]fork lift out for that cleanup :corn:
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Re: 3 RAIL bike trailer

Post by ghostler »

Nice find.
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Re: 3 RAIL bike trailer

Post by davidl »

Wish I had a bike lift/fork lift like that. Would solve alot of my problems. Lift makes working on my XII a lot easier. Changing the rear tire would be a breeze. Can I buy that at Harbor Freight???
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Re: 3 RAIL bike trailer

Post by Lucasind »

....L.O.L. guys :gig: thanks for the comments, I doubt you(or anyone) could find a 74' hyster at H.F. :gig: .......... much like me bikes ....I like me ol lifts as well.I m down from 9 to only 2 forklifts now,,,,,,everyone keeps tellin me I have a possession addiction... That particular one, I'm very fond of, it was my bedroom for years while working third shift maintenance in a steel factory here in toledo. Any of you out there that have ever worked nights, knows a guy on third NEVER sleeps !!So when the company went out of business..I had to have that :lol: .Also, having a boat at the time....it was great to have 5 ton lifting capabilities for trailer work and boat bottom cleaning and painting.
So glad that part of my life is over.
O.K...as far as that trailer goes ....if you look at the first picture you will see the fabricator's first mistake was ....that he made all 3 rails next to each other.....which is O.K. for small dirt bikes,but the center rail should have been forward of the other 2. ...footpegs that close to each other don't work !.but for 75 bucks,and a shop full of tools and equipment, I can make it what it needs to be :thmup: ...I have been working on it but have been focusing on other peoples disasters lately to update the progress.....my son and all his "rooky rider" buddies are killin me here lately....no pay...and VERY little thanks, are occupying my free time lately.....thanks. tony :-D
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