1300 running boards and levers

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1300 running boards and levers

Post by trikebldr »

When I picked up my "new" '85 Voyager 1300 a few weeks ago it had running boards up front. I've never liked running boards as a driver. They don't allow "rolling" the foot to operate the shifter and brake levers. These made me actually lift my right foot to apply the brake. Not good in a panic situation. The brake lever did have a small pad right above the lever's pivot to rest your foot on (second pic), but it seems we are right back to something similar to the stock foot pegs. I just don't like having to lift my foot to apply the brake. The shifter side isn't quite as bad, but it's still not as easy as the stock foot-peg and single lever system, IMO, humble or not!

Has anybody used any form of running boards that get around these issues? Brand? Model?

BTW, these running boards and levers, as a set (first pic), are available for FREE! Even the shipping is free. I just don't want to trash them. The levers do not have the typical internal splines to fit over the shift and brake shafts. Instead, they have simple set-screws/jam-nuts, as you can see in the first pic. I don't like that at all. The platform castings are the same style as the original passenger running boards on the Voyager 1300 (see pic #2). The brackets are very specific to the Voyager 1300. These need a little clean-up.

This bike also had a set of the very beefy Kuriaken(sp?) road pegs. One was broken off completely and the other one was cracked. They had been tightened up so much that they crushed the stock crash bars. Anybody have suggestions on a good set of road pegs? Maybe I should just make up my own. I want some that fold up completely within the crash bars.


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Re: 1300 running boards and levers

Post by doug of so fla »

Bruce: I do not like after market runing boards either and on most M/C's I have no trouble reaching the ground (5'9"). But putting aftermarket floorboards on a MC that mfg has set up for average rider just like you say causes problems for some riders. It is best to try them out somehow before you make a expensive purchase on the internet and find out that because of the position of them you have to spread your legs farther and have a problem reaching the ground or shifting & braking, The floorboards that are designed on & put on at the factory are usually mounted father forward and have forward controls which eliminate the problems. The 1300 is a low seating MC and for someone they may work just fine. Kudos!!! to you for offering them out to keep the 1300 parts available for someone!!!. It is a great machine. I do not know of any others that will fit them other than a complete custom fabrication job for it. Ride safe :thmup:
doug of no fla
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Re: 1300 running boards and levers

Post by trikebldr »


Did Kawasaki make running boards for the driver position on the 1300? The aluminum platform castings have the exact same corner sculpture as the factory passenger boards, and they do have very robust mounts like everything else on the bike, but the levers are definitely NOT something Kawasaki would make.

Aside from the need to spread your legs wider with running boards, they just seem to make operation of the levers very difficult. I, too, am 5'9" and have no problems reaching the ground, even with these running boards on the bike.

I believe I have a taker for them!
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Re: 1300 running boards and levers

Post by doug of so fla »

Bruce: I don't think the 1200 or 1300 had factory boards designed for them. One of the manufactures of the accessories "Markland" was either bought out by Kaw or contracted to make items just for them. So you had to buy them through Kaw, but they were not designed with the original plans for the M/C's. Being specifc for that particular model they were probably designed to fit as close as possible & maybe even using Kaw parts.
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Re: 1300 running boards and levers

Post by Me Again »

It actually looks as though someone modified a shift lever on the brake side.
I had a set of OEM floorboards on a 1300 some years ago and the shifter and brake peddle worked simple and effortlessly.
By the way.
Did you ever figure out how to adjust the clutch lever?
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Re: 1300 running boards and levers

Post by trikebldr »

LMAO! I got a free day on Saturday to get some work done on my bike, and started replacing all the broken or missing parts on it (right mirror, saddlebag cover, rider's pegs, passenger seat back, and grips). I HAD intended to lube the clutch cable and try to adjust the clutch and it's cable, but never got to that point. In a couple more days I will get back to it. I HAVE to because I need to get the bike up to my mechanic to do the state inspection so I can go get the title swapped and registered.
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