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King of the Road
King of the Road
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Post by Lucasind » this years rally son's buddy ,Brian....flew into the rally on Wednesday and needed a bike to ride so a H-D "FAT BOB" was rented from the local estes park rental co..
I thought that slim pickings was the theme of the day !... we had our choice of a ....scooter
(don't know what is was).....or a Honda Ruckus......or a H-D "FAT BOB" or a "STREET GLIDE"
he chose the FAT BOY ....and rode it for 15 minutes ,then pawned it off on Brad....who rode it for the remainder of the 8 hr. rental period for $200.00.(guess who LOANED out the $$$)
I rode it thru the canyon for awhile..... and it REALLY made me appreciate my bike even more when I turned it over to the next rider !

I did like the fuel injection aspect of the I have not owned a H-D since I sold the( 2) I previously had in my stable. I must admit that some improvement has been made, and they ARE better than they have ever been.My son Brad liked it ....cause it was loud as Hell,and I asked the shop owner why he took off the stock exhaust, and installed straight pipes UN-MUFFLED to make it so incredibly annoying that I insisted that who ever rode it. brought up the rear of the pack. :dm:

The rental guy said that he had the stock exhaust on it for awhile....but it was'nt what the typical
"rental dude" was expecting or he made it loud and rents it out as soon as the previous A$$ gets off the seat...ching $25 bucks per hour, and $30. to buy their insurance..
(even though,you have ur own full coverage policy) makes 4 a great earning potential ! The bike was a 2014...with 6014 miles showing on the odometer.... I dont think we put 100 miles it it 8 hours , so you mathematicians in the group can figure it out from here ! :Cball


The forward controls were giving our feet a lot of vibration.....but after the V-twin got up to speed , this diminished greatly,and wasn't bad....would I buy one ? NO..... cause I am spoiled being a
VOYAGER owner ! by the way..... I just rode my XII 3100 trouble free miles out west and back... and it never did anything other than indicate that it wanted to be rode harder and farther ! :thmup:
.just throwin my first hand thoughts and impressions out here ,and NOT looking to offend anyone..........who knows ...we might get another H-D if the right deal presents itself,,as we just like bikes !..............tony :-D
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Current bike(s): 1993 Kawasaki Voyager
Location: Evansville, Indiana
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Post by trigger12 »

IMO: I like the looks and sound (from a distance) of a HD. However, I'd never own one. Everyone that I know that has, or had one, spends more time fixing them, than riding them. I even tried out a Super Glide a few years ago. I felt like I was sitting on a 2 x 6, that was mounted to a jackhammer.
Mark in Southern Indiana
" and asphalt put distance between you and whatever the world can throw at you."
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