Rear Remote Radio control cover wanted

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Rear Remote Radio control cover wanted

Post by forestfarm »

HI, I am a new voyager owner,1991 with 46k miles.I am looking to purchase a rear radio remote cover,the one that Velcro attaches to the left passenger armrest.I would appreciate any information.I have been scouring ebay and have contacted several vendors who regularly cannibalize these bikes to sell as individual parts,Thanks Scott
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Re: Rear Remote Radio control cover wanted

Post by Lucasind »

Hello Scott , and welcome to the AVA forum ! I removed my "rear passenger control unit" some time ago....... as I'm thinking that MOST owners have . On day one of ownership, it was a "cool novelty"
that NEVER got used ! just in the way ,and wifey always said ,"don't care to fiddle with it" !
Carl Leo may have what you are requesting....You can contact him, for info on this , I understand that you are seeking only the top part..that the velcro attaches to,(as I read).....Have you got any reply from all of the "many vendors" that you have contacted ? when a ebay seller is selliing a travel trunk complete...... perhaps they do not wish to remove that small piece of it ,to sell for a few bucks .
As I look at my Voyager....the top part of the assembly , that the velcro attaches to, is part of the rear travel trunk as I'm looking at it .........................hope this helps....but am a tad confused as to what you are looking for , or your bike might be missing only this piece , I guess ,more info and PHOTOS are needed here, for more assistance......................tony :-D :thmup:
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Re: Rear Remote Radio control cover wanted

Post by forestfarm »

HI, I am looking for the cover for the rear remote,CASE,REAR AUDIO CONTROL part #32099-1091-MK .It attaches to the armrest with Velcro.I agree that the novelty of the rear control will probably wear off pretty quickly.I would just like to give my wife some control over what is coming out of the speakers.Having all these distractions is new to me,fiddling with the radio instead of maintaining situational awareness is not a good thing for my long term longevity.Thanks for your response.I look forward to someone letting me take away their useless take off part.
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