Rally at Hurley.

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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

Sounds like a great trip planned there Larry, :thmup:
The rally's are alot of fun, you will come away from the rally loving the AVA family of folks very much,and saying...."can't wait till next year's rally" :gig: (where ever it is ? )
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

Hurley WI huh? Years ago we lived in Ironwood, MI - right across the border from Hurley. In that area you must go out to Black River Harbor - stop at the big ski flying hill (we lived about 3 miles south of there), a series of 5 or was it 7 water falls along the river - very nice. Then of course to the Porcupine Mountains - South Boundary road is a fun road to ride. If time allows, head up to Copper Harbor - but take the east side of the Peninsula - must stop in the town of Gay, at the Gay Bar - great burgers! - then Rejoin US41 up to Copper Harbor proper, Brockway Mountain Drive, etc. then back down on the west side of the Peninsula. Marquette area is neat, up to Big Bay, M35 south of Gwinn has some nice twisties. Over to Munising then across H58 to Grand Marias, then down to Tahquamenon Falls, Paradise, Soo Locks, Mackinaw Bridge...the list goes on and on!

I told a friend on another forum about the AVA rally and he recommended rides/ sights in the above
paragraph, as he used to live in that area ...............................Tony :-D
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Me Again »

I get a laugh every time I hear something about "What the heck is in Hurley"? .
Only a few years ago the question was "What the heck is in Arkansas"?.
I just know that the board is going to make sure there are lots of sites ,good food and a lot of people to meet and greet
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

I almost don't care where the rallies are anymore. I say almost, LOL. But it's more about seeing people, friends really, that I've been seeing, some, for almost 13 years. Yes, it helps to have something to do, ride to somewhere, etc. But wandering around the grounds, parking lot, nearby restaurant, talking with people....well, it is a vacation for us. Heck. Last year in Estes Park, I sat on the bench out front of the hotel for a couple hours one afternoon/morning. Just watched the clouds, traffic, people talking about their bikes. I rather enjoyed it.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy the riding. Cause I did. :gig: Or the food. OMG, the food at the Notchtop Cafe....... :bowdn:
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by sir old dirt »

Years ago, like almost the beginning of the AVA the Board challenged itself to come up with rallying ideas that would maybe cause members to wonder how in the heck did they pick THAT place for a rally? The challenge was always exciting but the development of the plan was always fun. It was even a lot of fun to get members to come to THAT place for a rally. Remember, this was the time when the Gold Wing group was heading for the same place every year for their gatherings. The AVA Board really felt the experience of traveling to places many members had not visited was a pretty challenging and inviting concept. It worked too. Places like Red River in New Mexico, and Durango, Colorado a couple times, and Boone, North Carolina a couple times were places not everyone would bother to visit. My wife and I always felt the trips to and from the rallies were always the exciting and fun time. Over the years we saw so much of the country we probably would never have seen had it not been for the AVA rallies in those areas. So consider Hurley with a feeling of seeing a place you may not have visited were it not an AVA rally site.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

:thmup: MY thoughts exactly guys .....the AVA rallys have surely taken members to places that perhaps might not have ever been considered !I have not been in the AVA all that long but find it to be all good fun , and a great group of folks to meet up with each year ! .................................Tony :-D
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Bill O »

sir old dirt wrote:Years ago, like almost the beginning of the AVA the Board challenged itself to come up with rallying ideas that would maybe cause members to wonder how in the heck did they pick THAT place for a rally? The challenge was always exciting but the development of the plan was always fun. It was even a lot of fun to get members to come to THAT place for a rally. Remember, this was the time when the Gold Wing group was heading for the same place every year for their gatherings. The AVA Board really felt the experience of traveling to places many members had not visited was a pretty challenging and inviting concept. It worked too. Places like Red River in New Mexico, and Durango, Colorado a couple times, and Boone, North Carolina a couple times were places not everyone would bother to visit. My wife and I always felt the trips to and from the rallies were always the exciting and fun time. Over the years we saw so much of the country we probably would never have seen had it not been for the AVA rallies in those areas. So consider Hurley with a feeling of seeing a place you may not have visited were it not an AVA rally site.
Ditto, Ditto, Bob!
Red River in '01 was my first, and it was a blast. Many more followed. The run from Las Vegas to the earlier Ashville saw Voyagers from Cali, Nev, New Mex, Okla, Ark, Tenn, etc meet along the way and we rode into Ashville like we owned the place. The partying in the KOA East Campground created stories, never to be repeated again. Like Chris said earlier, at Red River, I sat out by the street by the hotel just to people and bike watch. I met so many people who would become lifelong friends.

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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by sir old dirt »

:clap: Great memories, Bill.
The AVA should consider making you the AVA Historian.
What a great story it would make if about twelve folks put their rally thoughts on paper. Maybe you can lead the way. :pray:
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by krasmu »

I still have not been able to figure out if I can make it this year yet. would be a shame since it is so close to home. However, I was tatering on the couch tonight and watching "Diners, Drive in's and Dive's on the Food network. They hit to spots up near Hurley that I thought I would pass along to those who might be interested.

The first is an old retro dining car called "Delta Diner" in Delta, Wisconsin. They serve up breakfasts and sandwhich type foods with a 5 star rating from Guy. It's located at 14385 hwy H. mapquest says about 62 miles from Hurley.

The second is supposed to be amazing old world Italian food at the "Italian Market" at 301 N.Centeral ave. in Duluth MN. About 109 miles from Hurley.
Kirk Rasmussen
Machesney Park, Illinois

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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by vxiirider »

Made our motel reservation in Ludington for the night of June 18 so we can catch the SS Badger to Manitowoc, Wisconsin bright and early on the 19. After a 4 hour trip across Lake Michigan we will arrive in Manitowoc at 11:30 AM with a 250 mile ride left to Hurley. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the "official" Rally Motel mid-afternoon of the 19th. Ride safe everyone , John and Mary Jane
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by krasmu »

It's official. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the rally and join in the fun. It's a shame that it is less than 300 miles from my home. I was looking foward to possibly meeting some of you great folks that I have come to know through this forum. hopefully you all have a great time and stay safe during your travels.

I suppose that if anyone is traveling up the west side of the lake and through my area, contact me and maybe we can hook up for lunch or I can ride a shirt part of your journey with you.
Kirk Rasmussen
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

Was looking forward to meeting you Kirk , ...maybe next year ? We currently have 5 bikes leaving out of my driveway heading to the rally on that weekend ! ( but not until one heck of a "shin dig" on the deck :woohoo: ) Can't wait to head north up and over the Mackinaw Bridge ! Plan on having some fun at our first overnight stop there,at the "super 8" hotel, before our final "day 2" ride into Hurley ! We expect to meet up with NEAL and Dave H. somewhere along the way, making our VOYAGER convoy even bigger !....Pam and I were planning a trip up thru the U.P. of Mich. just for the heck of it , until the Estes Park rally announced that the next rally would be in Hurley, so as things would have it , This worked out VERY well for us !.........these ARE the good times !..............Tony :-D :thmup:
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by krasmu »

Sounds like a great trip and great time. Will be thinking of you folks that weekend for sure.
Kirk Rasmussen
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by krasmu »

OK! Voyager family members. things have taken a change for the better here and I have a window open that will allow me to attend the rally. I've called Days Inn and they are full. They sent me to "The American" and they have rooms for $120 a night. Also called "America's Best Value" and they have very few rooms left but offered one up for $95. If I come up, I don't want to be stuck at a place away from everyone else. Are there any groups of members at either of these locations? Otherwise, I am more than willing to split room fees, if there is someone who has an extra bed and is willing to share with a nonsmoking, non snoring 54 year old man.
Kirk Rasmussen
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Highway Rider »

Check with usmalenurse he may still have a room to share. He has a post o page 4 of this topic.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Lucasind »

krasmu wrote:OK! Voyager family members. things have taken a change for the better here and I have a window open that will allow me to attend the rally. I've called Days Inn and they are full. They sent me to "The American" and they have rooms for $120 a night. Also called "America's Best Value" and they have very few rooms left but offered one up for $95. If I come up, I don't want to be stuck at a place away from everyone else. Are there any groups of members at either of these locations? Otherwise, I am more than willing to split room fees, if there is someone who has an extra bed and is willing to share with a nonsmoking, non snoring 54 year old man.

:thmup: Glad to hear you will be able to attend the rally after all this year ! :clap:
It being so close to your IL. location is also a bonus !.......................Tony :-D
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by krasmu »

Contacted usmalenurse and he is already sharing with someone else.
Does anyone else know of someone who may have a spare bed or does anyone know if there are groups of riders at the other places in ironwood? I will book a room at one of those if I know there other members staying there to hangout with.
Kirk Rasmussen
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by vxiirider »

My brother Kent Ramsay, and his lady friend are staying at the Indianhead motel in Ironwood but I do not know if any other Voyagers will be there also.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

Wife and I will be at the Budget Host Inn in Ironwood.
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Re: Rally at Hurley.

Post by krasmu »

Room booked at the Budget Host. I do have an extra bed if anyone else happens to need one.
Now to get my Rally registration in the mail.
Kirk Rasmussen
Machesney Park, Illinois

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."-Charles Chaplin
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