Fixing the Temp Gauge Ground

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T Rainey
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Fixing the Temp Gauge Ground

Post by T Rainey »

Greetings All!

I am new to the Voyager world, but have owned other bikes for a long time. I am also a member of the Etowah River Chapter of Southern Cruisers here in GA. Any way, I picked up a 96 out in Great Falls MT and rode it back, and I must say it was a great trip! I have been cleaning and fixing little things on the Voy since I've been back, and I want to address the temp gauge, but don't want to tear apart more than I have too.

What is the best way to get to the area needed, under the battery tray?

Thank you in advance for your help!
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Re: Fixing the Temp Gauge Ground

Post by viper »

You're almost there...remove the battery and tray and the ground for the temperature guage is i plain view. Usually, by simply sanding and replacing the wire tighter, it will rectify the problem.


If it is to be, it is up to me. Vince
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Mailman Joe
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Re: Fixing the Temp Gauge Ground

Post by Mailman Joe »

I did that (above) and then just to be sure i loosened the bracket/bolt on the top of the thermostat housing and inserted an extra ground wire and ran that wire up to a bolt on the frame. Temp gauge works great now.
T Rainey
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Re: Fixing the Temp Gauge Ground

Post by T Rainey »

Yep, that did the trick!
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