Air shock issue

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Air shock issue

Post by chefman84 »

Got on the bike tonight and noticed I was bouncing a lot and at the bottom of that bounce it would feel like I was riding on rumble bars. Stopped at next service station and checked air pressure in shocks. Front ones were ok but the rear was at almost 0 PSI. Added air checked it at 32 PSI checked it again 25 PSI and so on until it was back at 0 in less than a minute. any idea on what to look for and where to look for it at? I don't like the idea of a summer with no riding but paying hundreds to replace the rear shocks is definately not in the budget this spring!
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Re: Air shock issue

Post by triton28 »

You're gonna have to look under the rubber gaitors for any signs of a damper piston leaking oil. If no leaks are evident at the actual shock absorbers, use water and a small amount of dishwashing liquid, a small 1/2" bristle brush, and while the air pressure is up brush the soapy liquid around each point that a rubber hose is "solidly" screwed into something, starting with the air fill Schraeder valve. There are 5 points of connection that could be leaking. Of course this assumes no breaks/slits in the rubber hoses or a leaking oil seperator cannister is/are the culprit.
There are quantity 5 of 6mm o-rings which if original are at least 16 years old/hard. Hopefully it is a Schraeder valve/ o-ring leaking or maybe a bad line and not an actual shock absorber problem.

ps: these shocks require a very small hand operated air fill pump such as those sold by Progressive Suspension and Motion Pro to accurately fill the line, but for your temporary testing a shop compressor tuned down to 40lbs would not hurt anything.
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Re: Air shock issue

Post by chefman84 »

Well I tore into this project this morning. Also found a very helpful video on youtube by the president of a California Voyageurs club. I took the right side shock off, and noticed that there are little holes up the side of the boot on the shock. I noticed at that time as I tipped the shock to get it loose, oil was dripping out of the bottom hole. I got the shock off, tipped it upside down and very very little oil came out of it. I know I am going to get a heart breaking, wallet busting answer here, but I'm guessing the shock is shot?
cushman eagle
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Re: Air shock issue

Post by cushman eagle »

Yes,if the shock is leaking oil,it is done,unless you can find a way to rebuild it. :hmm:
That is what I should have done instead of buying the 416 progressive shocks.They are way too stiff! :cry2:
Many on this site like the 412 shocks,so you might want to investigate them.
I liked the idea advertised that the 416 is an air shock,which I liked about the stock ones,but the spring in the 416 is so stiff,air is not needed.
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Re: Air shock issue

Post by chefman84 »

Thanks for the heads up. In researching this, I did see a whole lot of posts about the 412's. Plus a pair is half the cost of just one stock shock. I prefer to keep my bike stock, but I think the cost is going to have me trying the 412's.
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