Oil pan?

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Oil pan?

Post by itlives+ »

1994 XII new owner here.
I have a small oil leak and it's right at the 8mm bolt that has an exhaust pipe in the way.
My question is does the whole pan come off with no problems if I want to reseal it?
I just have nightmares of some springs popping out or some other problem that may require pulling the engine.

I only paid $1,500 for it (just turned over 60,000 miles) and don't want to get upside down on it.

Edit - just went to partsfish and noticed I don't have the part 13169 which is the cup looking thing on top of the oil filter.
Is it detrimental to run without it? What is it's function?

I've watch a few of the NorCal videos but haven't seen this problem addressed.
Thanks - Mike
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Re: Oil pan?

Post by triton28 »

The oil pan has 12 of 6mm bolts so I'm wondering if perhaps the leak is one or more of the copper crush washers of the cylinder head supply line. It is a 12mm banjo bolt, chrome if I recall. Do the 2 oil drain plugs have good aluminium sealing washers?
Sorry I can't help you on the 2nd part of your post other than to say if it was intended to be there, then I myself would want it to be there.
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Re: Oil pan?

Post by itlives+ »

I'll take another look but I'm almost positive of where it's leaking. It drops a couple of drops on the header pipes and smokes up. It seems like it doesn't do it after that. It may be build up from sitting overnight.
Thanks for the suggestion!
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doug of so fla
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Re: Oil pan?

Post by doug of so fla »

Left side or right side? The most common like 99.5% of a all oil leaks, if it is on the left side under the oil site glass area. (get a magnifying mirror and look up under the engine with a flashlite on the mirror and there is a small space between the waterpump & the engine about a 1/4" wide and 1"long, and if you look up in that space you should see a little round hole and in that hole you can see the water pump shaft going around when engine is running,) if there is oil & grime up in there it means that the water pump oil seal is leaking. (VERY comon probem with the XII)!! AND A FAIRLY EASY FIX. let us know what you find . Pan bolts very rarly leak, just check them with a wrench to see if they are tight or a torque wrench.

One way to find where a oil leak is coming from is to clean the area of ALL oil and grime and then spray it with baby powder and ride it and then look to see where oil is starting to come out. Good luck and give us a little more info and we will see whats up !!!
doug of no fla
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Re: Oil pan?

Post by itlives+ »

Hey Doug, the leak is above the header pipe on the right side.
I've been to partsfish.com to see what I'm up against.
It looks like a fairly easy job if the headers come off easily. Just a pain in the butt and an afternoon gone!
Looks like a bad weather day job!
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