Engine Tapping or Ticking Sound

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Engine Tapping or Ticking Sound

Post by delcast »

Hello, I have a 2015 Voyager with only 4,000 miles. Occasionally I get a tapping or ticking sound on the right side of the engine. It sounds like metal to metal. I have gone on several 100 mile trips and it doesn't always appear. Since these bikes have self adjusting valves I assume its not that. I bought the bike used so I have no history on it. It does run fine no problems other than that horrible sound that pops up its ugly head from time to time. I just changed the oil, Royal Purple, Syn 20-50, (I live in Florida its hot here all the time), and K & N filter, real expensive, to see if that makes any difference. I saw no metal particles in the used oil. Has anyone experience this? Any ideas?

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Re: Engine Tapping or Ticking Sound

Post by Snakeranch »

I have a 2011 Vaquero. Over 48,000 on the clock. Several years ago I thought I would try synthetic oil. I think it was coincidental, but after that the engine would make a ticking sound upon startup when the nights were cold. For me this was every night because I was getting off work at midnight or later.

At first I thought it was the oil. Changed back to regular oil, and that didn't help.

The problem was so bad it sounded like someone was in the engine with a hammer pounding on the inside. And it would not go away after waiting 15 to 20 minutes with the engine to warm up at an idle. I would have to rev the engine up about 2000 rpm for a few minutes after the fan had cycled on and off a few times to make it go away.

To make a long story short, the engine was pulled and the HLA's were replaced under warranty.

There was and update for the HLA replacement and and update on the oil passage size.

The engine still clatters, but only after it sets for a week or two. And not as bad as it used to.

The dealer stated it would do this if I let it set awhile and not to worry. It don't seem right but this thing just keeps on going.

Whats happening is when the engine stops turning it may stop in a position where one of the rocker arms is pushing down and opening a valve. The spring tension causes the HLA to leak off causing a clearance between the valve and the rocker arm when the rocker arm is on the base circle of the camshaft. Once the HLA pumps up the clearance goes away and the sound stops.

Again, it don't seem right but it is the nature of the beast. :thmup: :thmup:
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