I have an 85 ZN1300-A3 that has been in dry storage for the last 25 years (I would turn it over a few cranks every year but since the tank was dry didn't start it) It has only 20k original on it.
This last week, upon putting in new filters and New premium 100% gas in, I found the fuel pump bad so I replaced it.
Once replaced, the bike started and ran flawlessly.
Upon taking it for a ride for 10 min, it started stumbling then quit, luckily just feet from my garage.
When I Recycled the ignition key the dash lights came on, there was a relay click, but NO (New) Fuel Pump whirling.
Not to assume automatically it's a bad NEW Fuel Pump, I pulled the (Black/Yellow - Black/Orange) connector at the Pump, to put a Volt Ohm Meter to it to find NO Power at the Connection of the Fuel Pump!
I then Verified that NONE of my fuses were blown, (in the box on the right side of the bike....maybe I missed a fuse location or fuse link?) All the fuses I tested behind the right side cover were good.
Then not knowing exactly which relay the fuel pump is, or the exact location, I swapped every 056700-5260 Round/Silver with another behind each SIDE cover to no avail. (Could someone tell me which relay the fuel pump is?)
When I turn on the ignition, everything seems to power up, but again, NO whirling of the pump!
IF someone could tell me exactly which is the Fuel Pump Relay and the exact fuse it is... I would appreciate it!
Also, the ECU window glass just quickly flashes 1x when I turn on the ignition, so I'm assuming there are no issues?
Thanks SOOO Much for anything you can suggest!