Gertrude Visits Gene

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Gertrude Visits Gene

Post by GrandpaDenny »

In today's exciting episode of "Gertrude Visits Gene", Our Girl gets some nice shiny new stainless steel, um, what are they called, um, doohickeys, no wait that's the dogbone looking thing on a KLR 650, um... Shiny Things That Keep The Saddlebags From Rattling Around, yeah, yeah, that's it! Nice quick five minute job. Riiiiiiiight. Nothing is ever a five minute job when Gertrude visits Gene. Gene noticed that the right side saddlebag was misaligned from the little accident I had over the winter. Whilst he was searching and searching for a particular tool I grabbed his pry bar and manhandled the saddlebag guard back into its proper position. It had been rubbing against the swingarm and has a hole in it now. Then trying to remove the saddlebag bracket to straighten it, there was, of course, a stubborn rusted bolt. Whee that was fun (and I let Gene deal with it <snicker>).

So Gene takes the saddlebag bracket and puts it in this gee-whiz machinist's vise on his huge Bridgeport mill, and starts to pry it back into shape. He worries about the possibility of it cracking (the bracket, not the mill) and I suggest heating it up (the bracket, not the mill). So he looks all over his newly cleaned, painted, rearranged and renovated shop and can't find his propane torch. I find it in a corner, all by itself, not buried by anything. So I hand him the torch, he walks over to the mill, and while holding the (unlit) torch in his left hand, grabs the saddlebag bracket with his right and just pulls it into proper shape.

Of course some minor tweaking was required to get everything back on the bike. Gene wasn't having any of my "That's good enough, she's not a show bike" and insisted upon doing A Good Job.

Well, the end result is, indeed, No More Rattles from the saddlebags, and strangely enough Gertrude rides better now, too. Fancy that!

Thanks for your help Gene. It was great to see you and Marie. Next time I come over we'll do something hard, the hell with this easy stuff.

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Dennis Fariello
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2000 Voyager XII "Gertrude" - deceased
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