Voyager 1300s Rear Wheel Removal

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Voyager 1300s Rear Wheel Removal

Post by pwbii »

Howdy again, This will be part 2 for those who read my first post. If you have never removed the 1300 rear wheel before, I think it's easier than a a lot of folks are making it. I'l have pics @ the end of the post. simple stuff to start. Put the bike on it's center stand on a firm surface. Remove trunk, saddlebags & seat. look where the seat sets @ the front end of the black square arms that hold all the touring stuff. You should find that there are two bolts holding this sub frame to the main frame of the bike. One is through the passenger hand grab in the front hole, going in from the outside (remove this bolt from each side). The other is next to the front curve of the plastic fender near the top of the shock on the inside of the frame going out. Loosen this bolt 1/2 turn only! The touring sub-frame will pivot up on this bolt after all the other disassembly is done. The order is not too important here. Remove the 6mm bolt in the lower end of rear fender. There is another 6mm bolt inside the tool box that needs to be removed. There are 2 6mm bolts one from each side going into the rear fender, remove these. This will release the rear half of the fender. It may rotate down & set on the ground, that's OK. It can be removed once the sub-frame is lifted. Remove the 4 8mm bolts in the front lower side of the rear crash bars (2 on each side), These hold the sub-frame down. Remove the two front rubber bumpers (3 6mm nuts on the inside) Take care with these nuts. I have seen some snap off the studs. I'ld use PB Blaster or WD-40 first. If I haven't forgotten anything you should be able to lift up on the trunk arm & the whole sub-frame should rotate up 90 degrees. I use a tie down stap to hold it in place. Remove the bolt out of the brake caliper stay. Remove the cotter pin from the axle nut. Remove axle nut. Slide axle out. Lift caliper off rotor disk & lay it aside. Remove port side axle spacer. Let air out of rear tire. Slide wheel away from the final drive gear box, it should drop down now. gently wiggle it past the gear box & swing arm. You should now have your rear wheel in your hands.
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Re: Voyager 1300s Rear Wheel Removal

Post by Van Voyager »

Easiest way: You just need to:
  • Remove the bags
    Remove the shocks (just loosen both ends and disconnect the bottom ends from the swingarm/gear case.
    Disconnect the rear caliper from its hanger bracket and move it up out of the way
    Jack the real wheel up a bit
    Remove the right-hand muffler
    Remove the axel
    Remove the gear case. Seems like it's a pain, but it's only 4 bolts, and you'll want to do this away at tire change time to regreased the drive shaft coupler.
    Remove wheel from the right-hand side (letting air out of the tire will help with this).
The luggage sub frame does not need to be moved.

It's not necessary but removing the wheel will be easier if you can find a way to get the centerstand up just a bit more - like setting it on a 3/4" piece of plywood (or if you have a rear trap door on your motorcycle lift than it's not an issue).
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Re: Voyager 1300s Rear Wheel Removal

Post by Van Voyager »

pwbii: Saw your note re: exhaust gaskets. You may get lucky and have the pipes come apart without destroying the gaskets. Alternatively, if you can figure out the dimensions, ID, OD, Lenght, of the original gaskets, you can probably find something that will work on Alibaba. I recently bought some there for use on a Honda I'm working on which were also NAL from Honda.

On a related note, I always slather my exhaust pipe gaskets with nickle anti-seize to make it easier to put the pipes back together, and make it easier to take them apart the next time.
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Re: Voyager 1300s Rear Wheel Removal

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

THIS IS GOOD STUFF... 'MIGHT HAVE TO TACKLE IT ALL MYSELF and appreciate the saving of time!!!
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