Yeppers. An early dressing change from July -- surgery on 7/6. (Click on the photo to see it right-side up.)
I think one important part there is "partially". Mine apparently was a complete tear on the supraspinatus tendon and partial tear on two others (of four, according to the MRI report). My surgery involved suturing that tendon back onto my humerus (you already know exactly where it hurts, on the outside of your shoulder). Yep, they sew through the bone, presumably using some really stout bailing twine. And I have it on good authority that they get all caveman about it too, literally pounding on bones enough to shake my carcass. I came out with bruises where other shoulder bones were clamped down, especially right over my AC joint.
Obviously, it would be stupid to pull that tendon right back off -- something that at least used to happen about half the time. You can't rely on pain because the nerves need to grow back. It heals slowly because only lymph circulates -- the blood vessels need to grow back, too. I was
very careful about certain movements -- ask the doc -- and I'm still guarding it a bit. (Not letting my elbow get away from my ribs, no external or internal rotation of my upper arm, and no weight on that arm for a good month -- no lifting nuthin'. I also made a big effort not to contract any of those muscles under my deltoid and onto my chest, at least for the first few weeks.)
I was ordered to stay in a sling for three months. They let me start
passive range-of-motion (I was supposed to do nothing and let the lovely physical therapist move my arm) on 7/26, only getting into active ROM in mid-August, and very light weights and stretchy bands in early-Sept. I'm just now cleared to lift weights and work up to exposing that tendon to muscle failure --
but I'll take it slowly. Lately I've been lifting heavier stuff (40 lbs or so).
In my experience, my surgeon totally rocks. I asked him about reefing my deltoid to the side and out of the way, but he said that he'd just cut straight through it. I think it was some new technique. I went home about 3 hrs after the surgery, definitely in a sling and AFU on pre-op meds.
They gave me a nerve block near my clavicle that lasted half-way through my second day after surgery. Then it hurt a lot and I ate narcs for about 30 hrs. (I truly hate those damn narcs.) Then I pounded ibuprofen for a little more than a week, and that was pretty-much it painwise. The pain was from cutting me all up and pounding nail-like things through my bones. I had no pain at all during therapy -- actually had full ROM on day one of PT.
The biggest hassle is that I had to sleep in a recliner for about 6 weeks. I couldn't afford to roll over on that shoulder.
Everybody seemed surprised at my a rapid recovery. Please don't think I'm trying to brag here, but I sorta bent some of the rules
using extreme caution. My wife came out to be step-n-fetch for a month, but she abandoned me after three weeks to go back to gainful employment. I was doing just fine, including holding the steering wheel while my good arm shifted the top-loader 4-speed in my old truck. I basically blew off the sling after about 3 wks, again
using caution.
More to your point, in late August my truck died when I was trying to get to PT. So I rode my dirt bike that 12 miles ... and it felt great (handlebar therapy strikes again). I rode that light bike every few days after that, in fair weather. (Yes, there was a risk of a situation that would require writing a check that my recovering shoulder might not've been able to cash. I would not have tried that on the XII ... even if it were running.)
[Edit: On the whole, I had to write off my summer. I rushed some construction (a log-framed canopy over my shop's "barn doors") and other chores, but didn't finish them in time anyway. And no firewood this cold winter. I wouldn't feel too comfortable riding the XII before about now ... except now it's snowing. This despite doing recovery tasks weeks ahead of schedule. Looking back, I consider the whole recovery a doodle but it really did take 6 months. But I did get a lot of smaller things done that were
technically forbidden.]
Definitely, YMMV!!!