I was getting a slight static/crackle noise from my rear right speaker. I thought it was a bad speaker. I opened it up but could not see any issues. I managed to get some used speakers online and replaced it. The noise was the same as with the original speaker. Im now thinking it could be a poor connection or the Amp may have a problem.
Has anyone else had a problem like this and if so how did you fix it?
noise from rear speakers
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Re: noise from rear speakers
It sounds like a bad wire connection: if the wire makes/breaks connection on the speaker (at the speaker, or at the radio/amplifier), you will get the described noises. Could also be a broken wire inside the insulation, somewhere in the middle of the wire run. Best of luck tracking it down. Cheers!
1993 Voyager XII
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Re: noise from rear speakers
I have included the link to Pete Franchi for you. You can call Pete and talk with him. He is the audio wiz for these radios.