Dash gauges will not display

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Dash gauges will not display

Post by sammyfranziska »

Hey i have a weird one my dashboard will light up but none of the gauges will display unless the bike is in gear with the clutch held in
Is there a sensor or relay that could be causing this issue?
edit i unplugged the harness to the clutch lever and the gauges would stay on so long as the bike was in gear. but would turn off if i pulled in the brake. i also recently changed the switches and cover on the key switch and adjusted the clutch cable could this be part of my issue?
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Re: Dash gauges will not display

Post by Nails »

I don't think the silver bullet you seek actually exists. I would start by: 1) doing a careful search here (many posts about electrical gremlins); and 2) systematically cleaning all electrical connections you come upon (starting with the clutch switch).
That is, I suspect that you'll need a silver shotgun blast.
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Re: Dash gauges will not display

Post by Me Again »

I've had a similar problem.
I believe it is the glass fuse on the left side (black box).
More than likely just making a poor connection
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