Front Bevel problem

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Front Bevel problem

Post by Djfon33 »

OK ANYONE... HELP PLEASE.. I HAVE A ZG1200 1989 VOYAGER , AND IT HAD A SMALL LEAK COMING FROM THE FRONT BEVEL. WELL I DECIDED TO TAKE OFF THE FRONT BEVEL CASE TO REPLACE THE GASKET. SO I REMOVED REAR TIRE, DRIVE SHAFT, EXAUST, Waterpump...etc.. anyway i got it off and i didnt see anything fall out but a little dime size washer, and a dime size rubber piece about a 1/4 in thick with hole in the middle. So i put a liquid gasket around lip and replaced the cover for the washer i put on the bar to the right that changes gearz and i put the rubber piece on the lefxqdt where a silver rod sticks out of the tranny.. After i got it all back together i started it fine. But now the gear for the clutch peddle wont engage it moves up and down ...but does not change gears.. i then looked around bike and found a dime size circular steel ballbearing... but was just wondering does maybe it go in bevel.. or not.. or any idea why its now not working... im stuck
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