I just received my renewal notice for the ROK/AMA membership. The cost is $49.00 and you get free roadside assistance if you do an automatic renewal with them having a credit card on file. Without the automatic renewal, the roadside assistance is an additional $35.00. The other option is to renew for 3 years for $147.00 without the automatic renewal, you will have free roadside assistance [ no credit card on file ]. Since the AMA merge, the ROK members, who opted in with AMA, no longer have the free roadside assistance. I have no info on the ROK members that did not opt to go with the AMA. A check of your insurance company may give you cheaper roadside assistance than the AMA.
Each member has to evaluate the benefits of being a member of the AMA, and can one opt to go back to ROK and what are the benefits still there.
Thanks, Sam in central PA
Info. on Roadside Assistance
Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider