Voyager patch

This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager 1700 V-Twin.

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Randy P
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Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:19 pm
Current bike(s): 2011 Voyager 1700
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Voyager patch

Post by Randy P »

Greetings from (now) cold and snowy Dayton, OH!

I was searching for a Voyager patch and stumbled upon this on I figured it was worth the gamble on the price, though I did get pretty concerned after placing the order and started getting updates about some location in Russia. Regardless, I let it roll while keeping one eye on the shipment tracking and another on the credit card charges.

Arrived in about 6 weeks, and I'm very happy w/ the quality. Stitching is clean, words can be read clearly, and it looks great. For comparison, it's very nearly the actual size of the badge on the trunk of the 1700s. If I lost this one, I'd order another.

My first post (new to Voyagers as of Oct 2019), so my apologies if I've dorked it up or violated forum rules. If the below link doesn't work, just to go and search for "Vulcan Voyager Patch".

Be safe. Take care of those around you...including you.
Vulcan Voyager Patch.jpg ... 079283f4f1
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