Stuck spark plug

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Stuck spark plug

Post by Bulldogx11 »

Hi trying to change plugs ,wires and new caps. The plug under the cruise control is stuck been useing pb blaster for like 3 days seems like it almost want to move but im scared to strip it . I kno if it comes loose to go back in forth ,dont just muscle it out. Any advice will be much appreciated. And the wires going into coil i see a spike up there , so you screw the wire in just like the caps? And how far do you put oring on wire? Thank s in advance for any help
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Re: Stuck spark plug

Post by triton28 »

Can't help with the stiff resistance of the plug itself, other than to say you appear to understand the physics of stuck plug removal, ie; back and forth continuously with penetrating fluid, and If you can find it, Kano Labs "Kroil " penetrating fluid may help.
But I can relate to the o-ring. Once you have twisted/pushed the braided steel plug wire onto the steel spike in the coil body as far as it will go then the o-ring slips onto/around the plug wire and is compressed against the shoulder of the coil body by the plastic screw down weather proofing cover nut. The o-ring will set it's position automatically when you screw down the cover nut to the coil.
Then you can screw the plug cap onto the end of the wire and repeat 3 times for the other wires.
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Re: Stuck spark plug

Post by Bulldogx11 »

Thanks Dave good advice . Plug still stuck ! Was doing the wires on number 2 and 3 coil. and took out both wires got side tracked and now with my old memory cant remember which wire goes where. I am 95 percent sure #2 is in back of the coil toward engine and #3 is in front . Does anyone know if this is rite? Thanks
cushman eagle
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Re: Stuck spark plug

Post by cushman eagle »

Yes,Bulldogx11,that coil will fire #2and
#3 together,the other coil fires #1 and #4 together.
Pistons 1and 4 travell together,and 2and 3 run together. :thmup:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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