Voyager fuel smell

This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Voyager XII (1200cc, Four-cylinder) Years 1986 thru 2003.

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Voyager fuel smell

Post by Bubba717 »

Hey everybody, I just had a question and hoping someone can answer for me. I bought a 2002 Kawasaki voyager awhile back and have noticed a fuel smell after turning off, kinda like it’s running rich but no fuel leaking or anything, just didn’t know if this was kinda normal for these bikes or what?
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Re: Voyager fuel smell

Post by Nails »

Except when I've forgotten to turn off the "choke", I've never noticed a fuel odor from mine during routine use.
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Re: Voyager fuel smell

Post by Conrad »

Keep your eyes peeled for leakage @ carbs, i had a bad o-ring on a carb fuel inlet, smelled fuel here and there like you describe, within a month i had puddles and visible drips when running.
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Re: Voyager fuel smell

Post by SgtSlag »

If you discover a fuel leak, it is always a good idea to change the engine oil after repairs are made. Fuel leaks tend to find their way into the engine/transmission oil. Better to replace the relatively inexpensive engine oil + filter, than to risk serious engine damage. :idea: Err on the side of caution.

I also had an O-ring fail in the fuel rail supplying gas to the four carbs (pressurized by the fuel pump circuit). It leaked oil on top of the transmission, until it was fixed. Caused a strong gas odor after parking it. Cheers!

1993 Voyager XII
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