New battery run down

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New battery run down

Post by mwoolf40 »

Alright, got the cam chain tensioner on the 83', now my brand new battery (<1month) has no juice. Does the clock stay on constantly? I wondering, besides a battery tender, do I need to change the stators? Change the resistors at same time?
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Re: New battery run down

Post by Me Again »

Yes the clock stays on ,and yes it will run the battery down after a couple of weeks although not totally dead(the clock will probably still be on).
An easy way to check the stators ,once you get it started again, is push the volt/temp button (by the ignition switch-lower right next to the headlight adjuster) with the bike running around 2000 rpm and watch the meter.If it only reads around 12 volts you have a bad stator.
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Re: New battery run down

Post by Scott in IL »

I believe you should get at least 5 bars at idle, and 6 at 2000 rpm. I could be wrong (4 & 5), trying to go by memory which is not as good as it used to be.
If you suspect a charging problem, the service manuals tell how to check the stators (there is one on each side) and the regulators (one on each side).
With the stators, you check the impedence between the coils and if any of them are grounding out, and when running what the voltage output is.
With the regulators, you can check the if any of the diodes and capacitors are burned out, and the output voltage when running.
Make sure all connections are clean and tight. I found that a bad ground connection can burn out a regulator. After 20-some years, the wiring inside by the stators can go bad. One good thing is if you don't mind tippiong the bike onto the crash bars, the stators can be changed without draining the oil.
If you have to replace any of these parts, I would recomend Rick's. They have the best fit with the correct length of wire on the stators.
I'm not an electrical expert, but I have a little experience with this stuff over the last couple of years.

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Re: New battery run down

Post by mwoolf40 »

Thanks guys! I will check it out.
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Re: New battery run down

Post by gearheadfla »

Wow mw you are good, looking at the date and time you posted you did it tomorrow on the 16th. today is the 15th :hmm: oh wait wrong month nevermind
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