Ride video..Lights on the hill convoy. Qld. Australia

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Ride video..Lights on the hill convoy. Qld. Australia

Post by oztriker »

G'day from OZ. Here is a video from the "lights on the hill" convoy ride. Usually only trucks take part but this year bikes were invited to preceded the truck convoy. The day is dedicated to professional drivers who have lost their lives on our highways. Funds raised go to charities helping families who have lost a "truckie". Voyagers are very rare in OZ but we are lucky enough to have a "triked" Voyager.( As far as we can find out.The only one in OZ )
Hope you enjoy the video.


Catchya Later from OZ.
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Re: Ride video..Lights on the hill convoy. Qld. Australia

Post by biggersm »

Some of the in motion parts of the video looked pretty fast. Getting down to Australia and New Zealand is on the bucket list but they will probably have to wait until second retirement in the year 2026. By the way we saw the movie Australia recently and thought it was pretty good.
Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

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Re: Ride video..Lights on the hill convoy. Qld. Australia

Post by oztriker »

We weren't going that quick. There was a strong headwind, honestly there was.
Weather wise we were extremely lucky for the ride. We had 33 Deg. C ( I think that's in the 90s F ) & as can be seen ,not a cloud. Two weeks ago there were major floods,sadly with the loss of lives. The week before there were showers & cloudy skies every day. The day after the ride there were more storms with floods & sadly again,loss of lives. We've had some extreme weather so far this year.
I even took the car to work the last 2 days instead of the trike. First time I have done that in over 2 years.
Thanks for the response.
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Re: Ride video..Lights on the hill convoy. Qld. Australia

Post by Lucasind »

Thanks for the post oztriker,, good to hear from the land down under ! :?: see you at the ohio rally this summer :?: I've met aussies at the MOPAR nationals in reynoldsburg oh. in the past, who have loaded their car on the slow boat,, then flew to california, retrieved their car, then drove to ohio !! wow whata trip !!!! :!! :-D
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Re: Ride video..Lights on the hill convoy. Qld. Australia

Post by oztriker »

Nice idea. We see a lot about escorted tours on Route 66 by car and bike & that looks a blast. I haven't been to the States in over 35 years. If I got back over there I think I may find a few changes.
Friends are going to Arizona for a bike tour on their honeymoon next year. I would love to come to the States again but unless I win a swag of money it won't happen.
Just have to keep making the most of what comes our way.
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