2013 rally

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2013 rally

Post by Lucasind »

... just got home from the 2013 rally.... was really great putting ava forum "user names"with faces,, everyone was very friendly and a pleasure to spend time with. was also surprised to meet so many members who never post, or look at the forum .My voyager ,and my son's connie ran perfectly there and back. Pulling the trailer was a new experience riding two-up. After the voyager got up to speed..you did'nt even no it was back there.... but the fuel gauge knew the difference ! !.... again, thanks to all for being so friendly and hope we will meet again down the road! tony
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Scott-(Altoona, PA)
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Re: 2013 rally

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Hey Tony, congrats to your son for winning the youngest rider to attend and glad you guys made it home safe. Loved riding with you 4 when we hit the cave/stone house/falls etc. Hope that we get a chance to do it again next year maybe. Ron lead that ride along with others the next day and Thursday as well. I think he did an outstanding job of guiding our rides since there weren't any "guided rides" offered at the Logan rally so it was really nice to have our own personal guide. Oh yeah congrats to Brad on his job also.
Tell your wife that my wife Beth (lunch-lady) says hello also.
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Re: 2013 rally

Post by Lucasind »

Thank you Scott, We did'nt know he won anything. We also did'nt want to leave before the awards banquet, but as always.. duty calls. As with any club, It's future relies with getting young people interested ! And we can all agree.... there is alot of grey hair in our club (LOL) ... mine included :lol: He said he had a great time and really liked all the kind folks ! especially Frank from Toronto,who also has a connie. We are very pleased to hear next years rally is in N.C...... We were planning a trip there, but now we will just wait till next years rally. Dave H. who rode with us on Ron's guided tours, lives there and said the blueridge prkwy is in his backyard ,and it would be his pleasure to show us around. I know it's a long time away, but maybe we will head east and meet up with you and ride to the rally in a group. :thmup: stay in touch ! tony
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Re: 2013 rally

Post by Kennycope »

It was my pleasure to lead the rides, at least I was not completely lost as usual. Really enjoyed meeting up with old friends and making a few new ones. The idea of meeting up and riding south next year sure sounds like fun, looking forward to it.
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Re: 2013 rally

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Kennycope and Lucasind;
We will definitely have to plan this! :hmm: The dates and hotel are already posted in one of the threads, so put in your vacation requests now folks!
Oh and we will have to give Dave a heads up too, that way he can start planning and maybe he'll be able to provide the board with a few routes for guided/self-guided rides for the rally also.

Mid-Atlantic Voyagers chapter secretary {"scribe"}
2001 Voyager XII
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