Air Rider CB

Got a tech tip for Voyager 12's from your personal experiences, or one complete with pictures and instructions, here's where to post it. You can also ask about tips or procedures here.

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Air Rider CB

Post by Neal »

This is not a good day for some of us. Today I sold the LAST Air Rider Voyager CB. They discontinued the model after 6 years. There are however still lots of parts left to keep us going.
The Cobra 75 units and the handheld Cobra 38, and Maxons will still be available for mounting, but there will be no way to integrate the CB with your AM-FM/cassett. It will have to be an 'either-or' arrangement, like with the J&M handlebar radio.
Everything else will remain the same, headsets, helmets, pads and such....and a new Bluetooth headset...
I'll still do whatever I can to help with your audio/communication needs, and can assure you this will be a non-issue when another Voyager comes along.......
Dealer for all Air Rider products, and Nolan helmets and headsets.
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Re: Air Rider CB

Post by flip18436572 »

I see you wrote when a new Voyager comes along, and not "if" a new Voyager comes along.

I don't see the need for a CB with the travels I do currently, but I am sure it would be nice in some instances, but I am more worried about the deer and idiot drivers than talking to someone on the radio.
Swim, bike, run; sounds like fun!!!!
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Re: Air Rider CB

Post by WhiskeyDoc »

Ditto Larry. Always liked the AirRider CB, but nearly $600.00 for a 30+ old technology? Not in this lifetime!
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Re: Air Rider CB

Post by WhiskeyDoc »

Phil (Stargazerman) has done this and provided me with detailed drawings of the work. If you are into electronics I'm sure you can follow his plans and do a fine job! I would, but I'm a lawyer not an electronic kind of guy. I've seen Phil share these before and I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Send me your email and I'll shoot you a copy.
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