I met the couple to bought it. Gave them the AVA website info. Hopefully they post up here sometime.
Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider
My red bike is a 2010. The new 2011 bikes come in the blue/silver and the black/pewter. The pewter takes on a greenish hue in the sunlight.pasam wrote:David,
What improvements or upgrades are on the 2011 from the 2010. Have read that only colors are the blue/silver and black/silver no red.
The 2011 is ebony and pewter. Personally I really liked the '09 Candy Plasma Blue and Black. Same color as my Ninja. But I wasn't ready to buy in '09.pasam wrote:David, Thanks for the reply and pictures. Is the 2011 in the picture the dark blue like the 2010 or is it the ebony and pewter. Is kind of hard to tell. Don't like the 2010 dark blue and any mention of black shuts me down. Like you, these colors don't excite me much at this time, so will have to wait for better colors. Pasam
My local dealer sold 4 '09s, and 8 '10s. 2 '11s so far. the other two dealers in the area have done about the same. Their biggest problem is getting them from Kawasaki. The local guy now has two Vaqueros sitting on the showroom floor. I don't expect them to be there long.38 special wrote:Hmmm... Wonder how popular they are (how many were sold?) I've never saw any of them around this part of Ohio yet. (Just wondering out loud.) Stop it, your scaring people. (voices in my head)