I was driving my cage down a local street, and saw a V17 sitting in front of a 'Ma & Pa' type car dealership. Being curious, I went in to check on it, and then to the bank for a loan. A week later, after some huffin' and snortin' (You know how banks are), I became the proud owner of a 2010 Voyager in 'grey' with about 2650 miles on it. I took it home, and after fixing some problems (the front tire had 12 psi in it) have been riding it to work, and on a short trip or 2. I also went to the dealer and ordered a new owners manual (there was none with the bike), found out that the warranty still had 1.5 years on it (had it transferred), and talked to the service mgr about it. I di have a few questions, though. What grade of gas are you supposed to use? What oil weight and type? Does it ALWAYS shake this much?? How do I access the trip computer (remember, I don't have a manual-yet!)? I'm sure I'll have more questions later. This is the first V-twin I have owned, all my previous bikes have been multis, so the jury is still out as far as maintenance ease and roadability goes. One thing I do like-NO &%$#!!!^& OIL SIGHT GLASS!! I might end up liking the ol' gal.
Ride Safe & Sane;
Hank & 'the Grey Ladies'