Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

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Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by biggersm »

It is time for the 2013 Leesburg Bikefest. We will meet this Saturday, 27 April 2013. As many of you know we usually go over to Yalaha Bakery to talk and then some of us brave the crowds in nearby Downtown Leesburg while others will enjoy the nearby curvy roads and the green of Spring.

Last year the lines were pretty long so this year I would like to meet earlier. I would like to be there about 10:00 AM and hopefully we will have shorter lines. Marcia and I are going to ride up on a combination of I-95, Hwy 528 (The Beeline) and then the Turnpike. An early lunch will allow for more time to do what you want to in the afternoon (whether it is to go to Leesberg or ride in the Florida Hill Country). Marcia and I will go to the Dennys in Melbourne at the corner of Wickham and Sarno so Jim (and anyone else coming up from down South) can see us and we hope for a kickstands up at 8:00. If you choose to do this don't forget your Sunpass!

After seeing all of you and talking about upcoming events Marcia and I will probably ride the back roads home through Sanford. Weather prediction for the weekend looks be nice (maybe a little warm so hydrate, wear sunscreen and consider all the other safety measures).

I'm still getting used to the all new (but not necessarily improved) Photobucet. I tried to put together a collage of past events (they don't call them slideshows anymore). I hope you can see everything in full size. Every picture was taken either in Leesburg, in Yalaha (where we meet) or within about 30 miles one direction or another on some of the most scenic and curvy roads in Florida. Please click on the link below:


I find it helpful to right click a picture and then open it in a new window.

We hope to see you this Saturday, 27 April 2013.
Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by krider45 »

hope to make it there this year, will try to meet up and meet some of you, depends on finances and condition of wifey... :pray:
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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by biggersm »

Hi Dale - We look forward to meeting you there. I will try to remember to wear either a shirt from an AVA Rally or the Sunshine State Voyager shirt. Either way look for the AVA logo.

For everyone else - I forgot to mention leave a link so you can find the Yalaha Bakery. Check out the link here: http://www.yalahabakery.com/our-stores/ ... ke-county/

I was adding my hours up (and of course we rarely meet our kickstands up time) and I realized it might be around 1030 but anyway everyone show when you can and we all will probably be there until at least 1200 (or even later) before going into Leesburg or into the hill country turns on the way home.
Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by biggersm »

Just another reminder that Leesburg/Yalaha is still on for this Saturday. I may not have time tomorrow (Friday) to get on the computer and I always try to tell everyone if there will be any last minute change due to weather but at this point that is unlikely to have any significant changes (see below). I will try to be at Yalaha Bakery between 1000 to 1030 and will remain there until at least 1200 and I will wear an AVA Rally shirt and hat.

If going please remember sun screen and hydration in addition to all other safety and comfort PPE.

Also if you live in Florida and don't receive e-mail from me already than let me know by sending a private message and I will get you on the list.

Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything. Charles Kuralt
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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by doug of so fla »

Frank & Bob & I will be there around 10:00 And Carl Leo e-mailed me and will be there also. So you won't be to lonesome. We went to Leesburg Fest today and it was already packed!!! they expect 250,000. I will be the one with the white beard vest and levis, with kinda a beer belly, easy to pick out!!! lol.
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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by biggersm »

It was a good day near Leesburg today for the Sunshine State Voyagers. Only a couple of us had enough nerve to go downtown and brave the large crowds after our meeting in the late morning today. Others enjoyed some really great roads near Leesburg and Yalaha (and if anyone ever says that their is not any curvy, hilly or scenic roads in Florida please let me show them around first). I wish my copilot was able to be with us today and could have got more pictures from the saddle that you can otherwise see in the link above (Marcia is getting over some minor surgery but is doing well now). I really enjoy riding this time of year down here...enjoy!




Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by gearheadfla »

Tried to get there but one of the ladies in the our group broke down, by the time we got her on her way (she did so by buying a new bike) we wouldn't have got there by 12. Lori and I just got home at 5pm Sunday, stayed and Windy Acres campground (not for the faint of heart lol) was in downtown Leesburg yesterday afternoon and yes it was CROWDED, but I did see a older man with a white beard and beer belly, I yelled out DOUG but he did turn around, must have been two of them there. lol. So after 3 days of Leesburg and two nights of the camp ground, I gotta go rest my eyes and try to erase some but not all of my memory. :oh: :-O :gig:

Wish I could have made it, but Biker Rule #1 , one bike stops, we all stop.
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by biggersm »

Hi Jim

We are glad that you were able to take care of a fellow biker in need and of course that always comes first. I was able to scout out a couple roads to change up the route a little for when we have our next Ring Around Orlando. We hope to see you in Saint Augustine for the Riding Into History Event.

Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything. Charles Kuralt
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Re: Leesburg Florida Bikefest 2013

Post by gearheadfla »

I did happen across this REAL SWEET 86 in town entered in a bike show, unrestored antique class, I can't remember the owners name but it said he was from Leesburg, anybody know this bike ? wondering how he did in the show, in a Harley crowd is a BIG DISADVANTAGE I have discovered, even if it is one of the best looking bikes there.
Jim in Fl. 88 XII
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