Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by k7nutN7nut »

suzib6sw wrote:Hi Geoff..
Well I get first dibs on the radio :-)

Pete, I PM'd you, but also, your screen name was familiar, so I checked...

Yep, YOU bought my 1st. 9090V off e-Bag!
That was on the wrecked '00 I just got back on the road, it only had 2453 miles on the clock...who knows how much the Clarion was used!? :hmm:
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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by gearheadfla »

Pete, I have a couple radios and a CB, not the control with the display but the radio part under the faring, don't know if it works or not, PM me too work something out. BTW, I don't need to get rich on these, I already am. lol
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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by k7nutN7nut »

gearheadfla wrote: BTW, I don't need to get rich on these, I already am. lol

Oh...Jim, your like the "rest of us then"!?

I'm a Custodian for a School District, to take up time, I'm actually "financially endipendent" too! :gig: :roll: :lol:
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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by OldKawDrvr »

k7nutN7nut wrote: But either way, the schematic was the "missing link" on this project!

Oh well, bottom line is, I will be selling a second Clarion PK-9090V...bye bye stereo! :gig:

No worry, the Yaesu has stereo output. :wnk2: At least the FTM-10R does.
I got my ham license (again) about a month ago and am now KC9YXV. Also the owner of a new FTM-10R. Same rig you have but the main body of the transceiver isn't waterproof. Also more power, 50 watts on high power, 20 on med. and 5 on low. Running 50 watts it gets kinda warm. 20 will get me out just fine. I'm running the rig base with a temp antenna for now, the mobile whip mounted on top of a stick of thin-wall bracketed to the side of the shop, base of the antenna is about 13' up.

So, how you doing on the installation in the V XII? I'm counting on you to get it perfected so I don't have to pull MY hair out :tho: , I have so little left. :gig:

Can you forward the schematic of the amplifier to me, along with the pin out of the connector? I may leave the Clarion in place and just switch the audio input to the amp to hear the Yaesu while parked. I'll use Bluetooth while running.
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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by k7nutN7nut »

Tom, I have the FTM-10SR installed, but the "cheap" Chinese "speaker level-Line level" adapter, is a POS...oh well, I have audio in all four speakers til I get a transformer!?
I uploaded the schematics to my web site, so you can grab them...thanks to Pete for those! :thmup:

http://www.mcallisterdrywall.com/Manual ... i/Voyager/

I too have an FTM-10R, it's going in my Dodge Cummins, the Alpine stereo/6disc changer took a dump!
They are the same, as far as menu items and use, but as you pointed out, power output and waterproof/resistant. I did not take pic's of the wiring job when I had the fairings off, but you can imagine. I need to modify it, as I said, I need to replace the "cheap" level reducer.
Oh and just don't forget the alternator noise suppressor and maybe(if you replace the DIN cords)RF shielding.
I think I have pic's of the FTM mounted with my plastic plate where the Clarion PK 9090V used to be...?


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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by OldKawDrvr »

Thanks, Geoff for the schematics. I was especially thrilled to find that Yaesu offers a cable to connect to the mic jack on the rear of the radio. That will simplify the install, as I will probably go with the Bluetooth unit I have now rather than the BU-1 from Yaesu. We'll see. What kind of issues did you find with the input to the amp? Was the level too high from the FTM-10? Common ground issues?
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Re: Has anyone ever "changed" there Kawasaki Audio System?

Post by k7nutN7nut »

OldKawDrvr wrote:Thanks, Geoff for the schematics. What kind of issues did you find with the input to the amp? Was the level too high from the FTM-10? Common ground issues?
Your welcome and the CT-M11 is nice, got mine from Amazon.com I think?
And yes on the input. The Clarion amp we have stock on our V XII's is looking for "line level" input, but the FTM series is powered for driving speakers.
So, not only did I build the circuitry for the Electric mic, but I had to convert to "line level" aswell. The converter I got was from China, so it's not true "line level"
and over drives the Amp's input when I crank the Yaesu up, but I will pick up a Transformer and redo the entire setup, this was the "trial run" to see how it would work and to get used to the radio...oh, and time was an issue!?
I would love to build everything in a "project box" and do a clean install, so maybe later this summer?
But the Yaesu works great! :thmup:
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