Cruise button

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Cruise button

Post by Hondarancherdude »

I am new to the Kawasaki Voyager bikes. I just got mine about a month ago. It is already broke down. I have that figured out. But what I would like to know is. What does the cruise button on the dash do? The light on the dash comes on saying cruise but it doesn't work like I thought it would. Any info would be helpful.
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Re: Cruise button

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Hey Mark, first welcome to the best site for info and stories. Wonderful family here.
I don't have a 1300 so I can't answer your question directly but on the 1200 if I turn the cruise on the light stays lit to tell me that it is on and ready to be engaged. To engage the cruise I have to be in the top gear (5th gear on a XII) and moving I believe more than 35 miles an hour. On the right handlebar of the XII/1200's is another button to set the cruise. Once that's pushed a second light comes on telling me that the cruise is set and operating.
There are switches on both brakes (levers and pedal) as well as clutch which will cancel the cruise if activated. Some folks have issues where the switch is bad or hangs up and they need to push the brake lever forward to allow the cruise to be set.
Hope that helps! Again, I have a XII not a 1300 so I'm not sure how much crosses over. :thk:
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Re: Cruise button

Post by Bill O »

Hondarancherdude wrote:I am new to the Kawasaki Voyager bikes. I just got mine about a month ago. It is already broke down. I have that figured out. But what I would like to know is. What does the cruise button on the dash do? The light on the dash comes on saying cruise but it doesn't work like I thought it would. Any info would be helpful.
A buddy of mine used to have a few 1300 and he told me once that the "Cruise" light on the dash had nothing to do with the cruise control but indicated that the fuel flow had been leaned out for highway cruising. Kind of like the economode. Makes sence to me!

Bill O
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Re: Cruise button

Post by Me Again »

Bill O is correct.
That button is for "cruise mode".
Simply changes the fuel/air mix for better MPG.
I leave mine on all the time,even when pulling the trailer.
The 1300 is a labor intensive ride,But that's a labor of love for most of us who ride them .
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