Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

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Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by HMB Don »



Yes this is for Cushman Eagle and Hank43


This six was made from a Honda CB500-4 they just added two cylinders. Look down the center of the exhaust pipes. You can see the Honda oil filter canister.


This is a drum brake we all needed back in the 70s. The fins helping to keep those brakes cool.


Looking at six pipes back in the 70s was a big deal for me. Looking at the tachometer, today this engine was a low revving. Redline was 8,500 rpm, my CB500-4 revved to 10,000 and it was a 1972 model. Still a nice looking motorcycle.
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by trikebldr »

Don, Benelli made a sixer back in the 70s(?), but I don't remember exactly what it looked like. I'm always amazed at how some guys bash multiple engines together to get such exotic engines! There's a guy in England who mated two KZ1300 sixes together to get a V-12. I can understand doing that, but when there are already at least four factory inline sixers available, that sure seems like a lot of work to go through to make yet another one. But, I do understand the engineering exercize aspect of doing it. And, this one looks factory.

I wonder if Cushman Eagle is getting ready for a road trip to get that one? When I was a kid, the Eagle was the bad-boy bike around the tiny Kansas town of Caney. The owner was a cowboy and he came into my grandfather's shoe repair shop to have his boots rebuilt, so as I was looking at his bike he asked if I wanted to go for a short ride. Stupid question! That was the first motorcycle ride I ever took! Also burned my leg on that nice shiny chrome pipe. Grandma was NOT happy!
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by Mr Jensee »

Ah Benelli. The one highlight of owning a Montgomery Ward Riverside moto was the fact that it was built by good ol Benelli. Yes Benelli built multi-cylinder bikes. Beautiful ones at that. Those evil Italians. :devl
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by cushman eagle »

Don,that is the Silver Eagle,as seen by the overhead valve engine.When that engine was released,it caused so much trouble :cry2: that Cushman replaced a lot of them with the flathead until it could finish developing the overhead.I saw a Silver Eagle in a town 8 miles from hear a couple years ago,but never saw it again to try to contact him. :hmm:
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by Highway Rider »

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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by Lucasind »

as trike said ...the hours spent creating this bike must have been staggering , not to mention the money.
figuring out how to run two extra cams off of the crank,must have took a bit of never before done engineering if this is the first of these built. Then move on to stuffing the exhaust system into that small space behind the back bank of cylinders ! On and on and on of obstacles that had to be addressed to bring this project to completion ! No thanks ! but nice to see some one else do it ! :gig:
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by trikebldr »

Yep, Tony! Some of us are die-hard riders, and some of us are die-hard shop-rats! I had my rider period as a younger man, but I eventually moved more into the engineering phase. Even in high school metal shop I whittled up a fuel injection system from a block of aluminum and used a Cox .049 model airplane engine, modified to pump fuel into the injector. It turned a 5hp motor into a stump mower! It was either full throttle or nothing, though. But, no matter how deep the grass got, the motor never bogged down again!
Sometimes, like with the V-12 motor, it's the challenge of engineering a fine running machine that drives some of us. Just listen to that thing and look at how "factory" it looks. But, probably worth more than your house and mine put together if all the labor were considered! And, consider that it produces nearly 300 hp! Now, THAT'S a crotch rocket!
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by Me Again »

trikebldr wrote:Yep, Tony! Some of us are die-hard riders, and some of us are die-hard shop-rats! I had my rider period as a younger man, but I eventually moved more into the engineering phase. Even in high school metal shop I whittled up a fuel injection system from a block of aluminum and used a Cox .049 model airplane engine, modified to pump fuel into the injector. It turned a 5hp motor into a stump mower! It was either full throttle or nothing, though. But, no matter how deep the grass got, the motor never bogged down again!
Sometimes, like with the V-12 motor, it's the challenge of engineering a fine running machine that drives some of us. Just listen to that thing and look at how "factory" it looks. But, probably worth more than your house and mine put together if all the labor were considered! And, consider that it produces nearly 300 hp! Now, THAT'S a crotch rocket!
Your as bad as my brother inlaw .
Took the 12 horse motor off dads riding mower and mounted it on a push mower ,then went out and started mowing the neighbors wheat field.Neighbor was not impressed .
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Re: Found these at a car show in Santa Fe today

Post by trikebldr »

Me Again wrote:Your as bad as my brother inlaw .
Took the 12 horse motor off dads riding mower and mounted it on a push mower ,then went out and started mowing the neighbors wheat field.Neighbor was not impressed .
" bad as..."??? Sounds like he had the right idea, just the wrong "lawn"! I think he was on the verge of creating the first harvester for hobby farms!

When I liquidated my late brother's estate a few years ago I found an old 1956 John Deere 726 snow blower buried in a corner of his garage. It had a garage sale sticker on it, as did almost everything in his house! EVERY weld on it was broken, so I know why he got it for $10. I managed to drag it out to my trailer and took it home. I did some emergency welds on it to see how well it worked, but that first season all we got was very wet snow. That little 7hp motor couldn't push the snow fast enough to get out of the chute! At the end of the season, just as I was finishing clearing the snow, the engine locked up tight, and still won't let go! So, I spent the next fall tearing it all apart, sandblasting everything, welding all of the seams and modifying it to mount an 18hp engine! That bigger motor allowed me to adjust the pulley sizes to spin the blower four times faster. I also learned some tricks from YouTube builders to improve the efficiency of that blower. So, now I have the snow blower from hell (well, except for the v-8 powered ones I've seen!).
Wouldn't you know it, we have now had two complete winters without enough snow to use the damn thing, except I did try it in about 5 inches of snow. It sends the snow clear over the house (two story!) if I adjust the chute correctly, and at 1/2 throttle the snow clears the top power lines along my driveway! I also added headlights so I could have the drive cleared before Cindy went to work, but now she is also fully retired!
It turned out so nice that I decided it needed a bit of unnecessary bling, so I added a short piece of chromed, 6" exhaust stack from a semi over the stock muffler (last two pics). Kinda adds an echo effect, but looks silly as hell with a tiny bit of exhaust slowly rolling out the top!

Yup, sometimes I do get carried away! Don't get me started on the bug-eyed Austin Healy Sprite I had in high school that I stuffed a 396 Chevy into! Nor my Honda Civic hatchback that had a 500ci Caddy motor with a front wheel drive from an El Dorado in the back seat. Tim Allen had it right when he grunted "Uh, uh, NEED MORE POWER!!!".






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