I need parts

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I need parts

Post by onlyonmonday »

I have a 1985 Kawasaki Voyager ZN 1300 that needs some parts...
If you can help me out please contact me at lemonbikes@yahoo.com because sometimes I miss it when somebody posts a response... The way I understand it is some of the kz parts are supposed to work but I'm not sure...
Can anyone help me find some parts so I can get back on the road..
Parts I'm looking for are,
* The two diodes 49018-1006
* Rear disc brake. 41080-1126 Even if its aftermarket..
* At least one bolts that is a Torx that holds the disk on. 92154-1865
* Front / Rear Brake Pads. Fa85hh. Fa231hh
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Re: I need parts

Post by trikebldr »

All three brake rotors use allen bolts to hold them to the wheels. Sometimes you can find a full set (7 bolts/rotor) of them on eBay. Fronts and rear use the same bolts.
Right now there are six rear brake calipers and 11 rear brake master cylinders available on ebay. EBC brake pads can be had on ebay all the time, too.
What are the diodes for? The only rectification I know of are the alternator rectifiers/regulators.
There is a wealth of ZN1300 parts available on eBay most of the time. There is still a reasonable flow of parts bikes flowing into the salvage dealers on ebay to keep us going for quite a while.
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Re: I need parts

Post by onlyonmonday »

I only see one brake rotor on eBay as I am not looking for calipers...
The diodes are used to operate the dash components
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Re: I need parts

Post by trikebldr »

Ah, OK. I thought you wanted the brake caliper. EBC makes the rotors for front and rear on the ZNs. I've always seen the rotors available on ebay. There's like 50+ pages of parts available! Until you get up to the '87 and '88 ZNs, all parts are the same. On the '87 and '88 models the throttle systems are different since they included cruise control. otherwise, they are the same as the '83-'86 models. Body parts color schemes were different after the '85 models, but the body panels were the same part before painting.

I learned something today! Thanks! Here's the eBay listing for the diodes you are looking for:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kawasaki-NOS-OE ... 8b&vxp=mtr" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

There are two rear rotors that I see listed now:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kawasaki-1300-V ... gZ&vxp=mtr" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kawasaki-ZN1300 ... Z1&vxp=mtr" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If you want a perfect rotor, then get one of the used ones and have Truedisc resurface it for you. Here's his contact:

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Re: I need parts

Post by onlyonmonday »

thanks very much for that information... Next questions that I have is that my rotors says stamping minimum 6 mm , and when I measured that's exactly what it is before it's cleaned up... You think I should just run it without cleaning it up or should I get a new one / used...
Also what is EBC...
Sure don't understand how I could not find that diodes or anything else on eBay... Thanks for any help sincerely
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Re: I need parts

Post by trikebldr »

onlyonmonday wrote: very much for that information... Next question that I have is that my rotors says stamping minimum 6 mm , and when I measured that's exactly what it is before it's cleaned up... You think I should just run it without cleaning it up or should I get a new one / used...
Sure don't understand how I could not find that diodes or anything else on eBay... Thanks for any help sincerely
How are you measuring it? With a precision dial caliper? Tom (TrueDisc) tries to work with you to be very sure your disc is still good for truing. He will call you to tell you how he wants you to measure it before spending money to ship it to him. Look at his website to learn more:

http://www.truedisk.net/home.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Personally I would never use a slightly grooved disc when putting in new pads. I'm just OCD that way, but even though my bike has good discs and even good pads I am having my rotors resurfaced and putting in new pads. I went over 150,000 miles on my '83 Voyager before doing any brake work, so completely rebuilding my brakes on my '84 should be the last time I need to do them. Besides, I pull a sidecar, so good brakes are kinda important.
Give Tom a call and talk to him about your rotor. Most times it's cheaper to buy a good used rotor and have it resurfaced than to buy a brand new one from EBC or other aftermarket sources. I've bought three used rotors from eBay salvage dealers and all of them are in great shape, ready to be lightly resurfaced.
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Re: I need parts

Post by onlyonmonday »

yes it was measured with the caliper... Thinking maybe I should just get a different one...
Also what is this EBC... Also what is a good price for a used rotor...
Is this it...
http://ebcbrakes.com/?s=1985+Kawasaki+V ... mit=Search" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: I need parts

Post by trikebldr »

Yes, that's the brake source. You can also find them on motorcycle accessory websites, as well as ebay. They sell a lot of brake rebuild kits as well.
I've bought my ZN rotors for as little as $17, and as high as $50, depending on how little wear was on them.
Of the two I listed on eBay, both look really clean, so go with the cheapest. That would be the one for about $56. Even with shipping it's cheaper than the $75 one with it's shipping. I don't see much of a ridge along the inside edge of the swept area on either.
Ha! Just as I say to get the cheaper one, it's listing disappeared! Maybe YOU got it?
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Re: I need parts

Post by Van Voyager »

Maybe too late to the party but you can just pick up some common 1N4148 or 1N4001 (if it's carrying some current) diodes from any electronics shop (including Radio Shack -if they still exist). Cost should be about $3.00 for 100 diodes. You can crimp on some connector pins if you really need to.
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