Craft beer tour

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Craft beer tour

Post by rayrayborders »

I would like to make a suggestion for next year's rally. Would anyone be interested in going on a craft beer tour of southern Indiana. I would possibly be able to lead the tour. I am local and have a pretty good knowledge of the craft beer venues and the back roads in the area. Let me know your thoughts, just an idea. Greg

This is neither a rid-in and or a rally nor is it an important date that we want to get out as reminders. It is more to the like-ins of a poll. This is why the topic was edited. Also this could and quit possisbly would lead to the consumption of alcohol and the riding of a motorcycle and we as board members can not and will not condone it as an organized event associated with a rally. Also with in are charter of the AMA as a rally function we are not able to organize such a ride. Jim Moore AVA board member and Webmaster
Also take note that this has nothing to do with motorcycles and this may be removed and no notice will be given
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Re: Craft beer tour

Post by hank43 »

How far is it from the rally to where you say this is?

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Re: Craft beer tour

Post by Highway Rider »

I really don't think this would be an issue if it was done prior to or after the rally. It just can't be done during the rally and or called a rally.

Explanation of what you see at the top.
If it is red those are important calendar dates.
If it is green those are ride ins. These are not sanctioned by the AVA or AMA
Blue is classified as a rally and is sanctioned by the AVA and the AMA.

So if anyone is having a get together like a fall ride or a dinner run, ect. It is classified as a ride in. Which is what most of these would be.
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Re: Craft beer tour

Post by rayrayborders »

The tour could be any distance from 10 miles to 100 miles round trip. Depending on how many venues everyone would like to hit.
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