miles on your Voyager

What do you use? How many miles? What kind of tires? What oil do you use? This is where all the polls are now located.

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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by mxlpilot »

2001 Voyager 1200 with 10,100 miles.
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by VoyKimmer »

2002 Voyager 75,000 miles
1996 Voyager 50,000 miles
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by garylve »

I have 64000 miles on my 03 bought it in Sept. retirement gift to myself hope to put many more miles on it.
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by Lucasind »

:thmup: I can't think of a better "retirement gift" that a guy could buy for himself ! The thing about these Voyagers is , that they don't cost a heck of a lot of money......and you can run the wheels off of them ! I too have a 03' and trust it to leave on a trip to ANYWHERE on it ! Very reliable bike .
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by Kyle Riedl »

Just got my first motorcycle an 2003 voyager with only 8,000 miles on it. have put 1500 on in a the 60 days I have owned it. Having a great time.
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by Draxxis »

77,800 on my 1986 Voyager XII. And still running strong!
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by cushman eagle »

Looking back to Oct.26 2014,I see my "99 had 48,800,it now has 66,313 :thmup: And--- my 1958 Cushman has 11,372.That means it averaged 392 miles per year :rolling: or about what I put on it last year. :gig:
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by tony »

110,000 on my 92 Voyager when I went to buy 4 spark plugs in 2014. Long story short, I now have a new bike and had to return the spark plugs! Moral of the story - don't take the wife on a parts run. Now have 24,500 on the new one.
2014 Voyager
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by ghostler »

Scott-(Altoona, PA) wrote:'01 w/51,500+ I know I need to drive more and I'm working on that, I can't remember the name of the syndrome but its a terrible thing to suffer from. If memory serves me right retirement is the best cure for it but that's something I've got to work towards! :pray:
There was a very good article on dementia but I can't remember the details. :gig: 50,876 on the 2001 (missing a couple hundred miles due to a broken speedometer cable). :thk:
George Hostler
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by kjsett »

After almost 6 months not able to ride (currently in the country of Panama) I was in US for 3 weeks and took my 2003 for a ride from Albuquerque, to Phoenix. There for 4 1/2 days and then rode to Boulder City in 102f heat. Next morning left on a run to Twin Falls Idaho, and stopped for the night in a town north of Ogden, UT. The following day I did 700 miles back to our son's house (where the bike is again waiting my return in November). Last i looked (sorry, not there to confirm exact), it now has over 75k after 6 1/2 years (Nov 2010 to present, started with 14k). In December it will travel over 3200 to Panama. My son is selling my wife's 97 Vulcan 800 so we can get her a more suitable ride (650 Vstrom, or 800 Tiger, Kawa is too tall).
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Ken & Shelley (Harley the dog now in heaven)
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by Mr Jensee »

I don't have nearly the miles on my 2001 Voyager that would want. As of today I have 37,386 miles on it. I just cant take any long trips anymore. I guess I bought her too late.
For Voyager XII Manuals click the link below.!Ao3K0Ai2gvglgS3l7J4pBJrjfBhc
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by cushman eagle »

Mr.Jensee,short rides are fun also :thmup: .Peg and I often go to visit her mom who lives in a home for the memory challenged senoirs.By car the home is 14 miles away,we usually find it takes over a 100 to get back by bike :hmm: ,and we even enjoy those short rides.My work schedule does not very often give us time for longer rides than that,so we are looking forward to the rally :woohoo:
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by dane507 »

34,280 on my 2003 Voyager XII. BTW, thinking about painting "mona" yellow. Anyone ever see a yellow one?

Thanks, Dane507
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by vxiirider »

My brother had one that he painted Dodge truck yellow, seem to me that it was a "91. Last I knew it was somewhere in Washington State.
John Ramsay
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by ghostler »

I can relate to Mr.Jensee. I don't know what the specific issues are, but recently I turned 63. I think I am reading between the lines, but I could be wrong.

Things are a little different than in my 50's, but I met a couple this weekend in their late 80's, still going to motorcycle rallies. Humorously, I got a response with giggles, "You got problems?" Past year, I was ill and missed out on the September CMA state rally in Chama. Plus I missed a few earlier local rallies at the dealers, etc. this year.

Just got back to Clovis from Chama, 742 miles round trip loitering excepted, now 51,590 on the ODO. Boy it was hot. Friday, I left Clovis 9am, it was in the 80's. Normally, it would be a little warmer in Fort Sumner and Santa Rosa. Then when hitting the higher elevations on US-84 toward Las Vegas, NM things would cool down from then on. It was in the mid 90's to 100 until I got to Abiquiu Lake, about a half hour shy of Chama, where it dropped in the the 80's. Overall it was a hot 8 hour ride.

Then on the way back, left Chama 7:30am, was pleasant until I hit a gas stop shy of Las Vegas. US-84, portion of I-40, back to US-84 had a strong crosswind, my guess around 30 mph and gusting from southwest, temps from mid 90's to 100. Got into Clovis 2:30pm, it was around 100. Last 3 hours ride was hot. I gained an hour as traffic was less on Sunday.

When I first got my bike, I figured by now I'd have close to 75k on it, but seems past 2 years I've fallen short. But the old adage is, the worst ride beats the best day of work. Plus, the scenery on the way was breathtaking. Led a younger couple on a ride into Colorado on CO-17 north of Chama yesterday. We didn't have much time to do further exploring, but they were impressed with what they saw. A treat was to watch the old steam engine chug along a portion of the route. Lots of twisties, elevation changes, slightly cooler and more pleasing riding experience. Next rally they plan to spend a week up there, enjoy the sights.
George Hostler
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by Thud300 »

98,000 and change on my new to me 91.
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by djsheets »

Newly minted Voyager Rider. Just bought a 2003 Voyager XII with 41,000 miles. Working through the issues. First final drive oil replacement next brake/clutch fluid replacemnet. Previous owner chainged the oil, but not much else. Front end feels a little "twisty" Not sure yet what it is Pre-tention loading... Bearings. No problem just geting this figured out.
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by gv550 »

626,000 kms (390k miles) on my 09 Voyager, bought new in May '09.
2009 VN1700 Voyager ABS 625,000+ kms
1999 VN800 Drifter 210,000+ kms
2005 VN1600 Nomad Sold after 239,100 kms
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by cranky »

... There he is!!!! Mr Miles hisself!!!! GBG How Ya doin'???!!!!s
'03 Voyager - VROC pics of Gina
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Re: miles on your Voyager

Post by dwagner46 »

Still purrrring like she's brand new 109544 miles :woohoo:
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