Valve clearance Check and Adjust

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Van Voyager
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Re: Valve clearance Check and Adjust

Post by Van Voyager »

jorgeno wrote:That was not so bad, how many mileage does your bike have?
I'm at about 7.2 k miles - not even broken in yet. Hardly any visible wear on the cam chain sprocket.
jorgeno wrote: It makes a bit engine knocking noises when it’s hot. The manual suggests carbon buildups. Maybe becaus long time without adjusting the valves?
Mine makes a knocking noise too when it's hot (and only at idle). In my case, I don't think it's carbon; through the sparkplug holes, I can still see aluminum on my piston domes. I was originally worried about it as I had a KZ1300 and it made a similar, but louder, knocking noise just before I spun a main bearing (the KZ was making a knocking noise all the time, not just when it was hot). But, I've looked at some YouTube videos of running ZN's and they were making the same knocking noise too so maybe it's normal.
jorgeno wrote:That was not so bad, how many mileage does your bike have? I’m wondering if the cam chain sprocket can estimate the mileage? And how far does Voyagers-bikers travel before it’s necessary to do some engine overhaul?
Not sure but someone here will have notions on that.
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Re: Valve clearance Check and Adjust

Post by bigsixkawa »

I plan to check valves at the end of riding season.. where do we get shims for them (84)
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Re: Valve clearance Check and Adjust

Post by bigsixkawa »

where would I find shims for a 34 year old bike?
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Van Voyager
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Re: Valve clearance Check and Adjust

Post by Van Voyager »

Shims are not hard to find. They're the same size as the shims used in the Z1900/KZ1000 bikes - plenty available from online sources (eBay and others). Also the sames size as used in Some Yamaha's - not sure which models - maybe XSxxxx?
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