Bad fuel pump from sitting several years

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Bad fuel pump from sitting several years

Post by Dragonfly »

Fuel pump is bad. New pumps are no longer available. Found 3 used on E-Bay priced from $224-$300, anywhere from no warranty up to 30 days..... that's insane to spend that kind of money on a used pump that could puke a week or a month after installing it.
Has anyone replaced their pump with a universal in-line pump, and if so what model/brand?
I believe a universal in-line pump with a working pressure of approx. 40 psi should work, it will maintain fuel to pressure regulator which I believe regulates pressure around 32-36psi.....any thoughts/input are appreciated
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Re: Bad fuel pump from sitting several years

Post by Van Voyager »

Are you sure the fuel pump is bad? There's a relay that turns it off and on - could be the relay is goofy.
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Re: Bad fuel pump from sitting several years

Post by Dragonfly »

Van Voyager wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 8:14 pm Are you sure the fuel pump is bad? There's a relay that turns it off and on - could be the relay is goofy.
yes, positive it's the pump. Tested the power to pump and it gets power for several seconds when keyed on....the pump does nothing!
The fuel was dark brown and smelled like "old varnish/shellac" . It hardened/gummed up the pump and froze it. I've soaked it internally with carb cleaner for several days and re-installed, tapped/hammered it and's a goner.
I have been looking at fuel pumps for a couple of days now and have very few results. I'm about fit to be tied!!
I'm hoping someone replaced their pump already and can point me towards the pump they used...there are literally a million pump options to look through to try to find what I actually need :tho:
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Re: Bad fuel pump from sitting several years

Post by Van Voyager »

Check Some of the KZ's were fuel injected and I suspect they use the same pump as the ZN's so somone there may have found a replacement.
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Re: Bad fuel pump from sitting several years

Post by samchar12 »

Somebody emailed me this a number of years ago from the Yahoo Voyagers Group. I hope it helps.

The last time this was discussed here, I took the following notes:
“Airtex E8445 in its place. It is a generic in-line pump with the inlet on one end and the outlet on the other end. I made a spacer to make up the difference in diameter between the smaller Airtex and the pump mount and put the outlet end forward and the inlet on the back. This allowed me to install a common in-line fuel filter up top, route the line to the back of the pump and then forward up to the fuel rail. This also eliminates the oddball OEM 3/8" to 5/16" rubber hose that is pretty much impossible to find anywhere.”

Also recommended but not detailed was a 1980 Cadillac El Dorado fuel pump.

I have also hard tell that Nissan 280ZX sportscar engines from those years may take a similar pump. Those years the Datsun Maxima had a fuel injection option in the 6 cylinder models. Being from the era, volume nad pressure should be similar given that the auto engine sizes are 2x the Voyager those pumps should be sufficient.
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