routing throttle cables

This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Voyager XII (1200cc, Four-cylinder) Years 1986 thru 2003.

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routing throttle cables

Post by grumpy72 »

93 voyager. here is my problem, one of many. I unhooked all the cables, one was broken, no idea what route it took. I have gotten response from carl leo before. He said he will exchange carbs and send me correct cables for a price. Thats god. I have the rear subframe off, the airbox cover, battery tray and battery out, no problem getting to the carbs.One bracket that holds the cable in place broke off.So here is my question{s} the cable that goes from the carb bank and connects to the cruise control unit, is that mandatory? it connects to the carb under one restraining bracket somewhere, maybe the one that broke off. Then by number 4 carb, the farthest to the right if you are sitting on the bike, thats where the choke cable comes across all the way from the left side of the bike to the far right side of the bike. That is probably not mandatory if its broke except cold starts would be a pain. So that leaves 2 cables that go from the carbs to the throttle handle on the right side handlebars.I assume there are 2 places inside the throttle sleeve, one hooks one place and one the other. One is push one is pull. Thats the problem.All my controls were unscrewed and just dangling. All I have is a supplement manual. Please school me. Thank you. :-O
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by grumpy72 »

the wordgod was supposed to be good.sorry
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by triton28 »

Here is the 1986 throttle cable setup and routing. You
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will notice there is NO cruise control junction box as the 1986 did not have cruise control.
So to answer your question for the 1986 model year, and all other model years, yes there is a need for an opening "Pull" cable as well as the closing "Push" cable, said "Push" cable is used as a safety backup for the throttle plate shutdown spring.
All models work to the same principle it's just that all post 1986 models had cruise added into the "Pull" cable run.
I hope this diagram helps,
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by grumpy72 »

i see. so my 93 does have cruise. No idea if it works. but the cruise cable is an additional one that the earlier models dd not have. one end hooks to a device, a box of sorts bolted under the fairing. it has a lock nut, adjuster that can be turned to take out excess slack. the other end is a single cable connected to the carb bank. But where then is the connection from the carb bank to the handlebar throttle sleeve.the choke cable was the only intact cable when I got this bike. thank you for your help.
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by triton28 »

There should be three cables connected to that junction box; one from the carbs to the junction box with a spiral steel spring wrap; a second one from the box to the cruise activator, which it sounds as though you have found; and the third is from the box to the twist grip.
The third is the one which causes all the activity to take place in the box and comes from the same side of the junction box as the one to the activator. Perhaps yours got snipped/broken off. Do a search on eBay for Kawasaki Voyager XII throttle cables for a look at the junction box.
Should one wish to forego having cruise control and the associated sensors/equipment the 2 push/pull; close/open cables from a 1986 model will work perfectly.
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Link to manuals in my .sig
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by grumpy72 »

thank you. I am so ready to get this bike together. I was amazed how expensive windshields are. I do not like the giant stock fairing. I do not want to lose all the various parts under the fairing such as the cruise, self cancel signals, various components. etc. I will remove the harness for the radio and the radio. I wish hannigan was still in business. But your answer on the cables is perfect. Thank you. The brackets on the front of the carbs, one all the way to the right is for the choke cable. That and the cable are intact. then by about #3, 2 more brackets were there. It appears the one for either the 3 cable hookup or the one cable is the one that broke off. I do not know. I have a handful of nothing. but at least I know what they do. the box with the spring inside, multiple cables I know know where 2 of its cables go. one to the cruise unit, one to the carb bank, one to the throttle handle. The other single bracket goes to the throttle handle.
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Re: routing throttle cables

Post by triton28 »

At least now you have an idea of how the 1987 onward cable works.
I don't know of anyone who has untangled that mass of spring wizardry inside the junction box and has got it all back together and working properly.
If anyone reading this thread has reinstalled the springs once removed, please post your story so those of us who have taken one apart and still have it apart can reassemble it.
EDIT: use the online supplier diagrams as help. Sites such as Bikebandit; denniskirk; partshark or Partzilla have great reference diagrams for the part sections.
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