A big thank you , to Roger Allen

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A big thank you , to Roger Allen

Post by ekap1200 »

Hello fellow Voyagers, Having missed this wonderful rally at the Abe Martin Lodge , I would like to thank Roger for sending me a notebook ring binder with 42 photos. Nicely done and with a ride thru short story in the weeks life of Roger Allen. It was as if I had left and rode with him from his driveway.
Great photos of friends that I sadly missed seeing this year.
And I see everyone got their bikes windshields washed clean on the rainy ride homeward.
Brad , I'm liking that helmet....Jill , nice job on the stained glass....And I see quite a few face's I know receiving awards...Pam-Tony, we will see you soon....Don I may just have a few days in the first week of Oct to take a short run down to see the two of you....
It just was not in the cards this year to attend. But Marie and I are attending the MAV Fall Ride In. I have a four day pass from the factory floor....And I am takin it... Also I have just been approved to a week off starting THIS weekend. I am heading to the Smoky Mountains and hope to get down to Franklin N.C. and at least have a lunch with Dave. I need to get back into the saddle again and get some riding the twisty mountain roads I find so nice to ride...
So in closing , Thank you Roger ; Marie and I feel as though we were there with all of our AVA family..

Gene and Marie Kapuscinski
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Re: A big thank you , to Roger Allen

Post by cushman eagle »

Gene,I am happy to hear you are feeling good enough to get back in the saddle,and add up some miles again :woohoo: We plan to see you and Marie again next month in Jersey City,Pa. :thmup:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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Re: A big thank you , to Roger Allen

Post by Lucasind »

Looking forward to seeing all of our Voyager friends next month at the AVA MAV fall ride in .......I hope you remember to bring that photo album that Roger sent to you ....so that we can all see it ,Gene :woohoo: ......................
cushman eagle
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Re: A big thank you , to Roger Allen

Post by cushman eagle »

Yah,Gene,What Tony said! :thmup:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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