ZN Spark Plug Options

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ZN Spark Plug Options

Post by Van Voyager »

Curious what folks are using for spark plugs in their 1300s. I know about iridium plugs and my experience is they haven't made any difference in anything I try them in. I'm sure they're fine plugs but since they cost twice as much as other plugs, I'd prefer to go with something more main stream.

PS: I believe the OEM plug is NGK BP6ES (although the Canadian model specs the resistor version BPR6ES - mine's a US model - just think it's weird that the US and Canadian models have a different spec)
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Re: ZN Spark Plug Options

Post by Me Again »

I always use the NGK resister plugs .I have tried Champion but then I have to change them at 10K miles
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Re: ZN Spark Plug Options

Post by cranky »

IMHO, the iridium plugs are noticeably better.... and hopefully, they
will last much longer..
'03 Voyager - http://tinyurl.com/mqtgpwp VROC pics of Gina
Cranky - Bill Snodgrass AVA # 6544. VROC # 16804
Cranked >128K miles, Mtn bike-no motor!!!
San Jose, KalEfornYa
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