Victory Vision Test Ride

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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by bresna »

My wife & I walked into HK Powersports in Hookset, NH today to check out Victory's bikes.

The word on the Vision is that you either love it or hate it. We walked in and my wife said, "Ugh. That's one ugly bike". :)

Truth be told, I liked it, but I didn't like the slow speed maneuverability. There is very little room for your feet to maneuver at parking lot speed. I could barely get the thing to move backwards at all. I can't imagine trying with a little hill. Your legs hit the rear wheel bump-out in about 4 inches. My legs aren't long enough to spread them out to do anything more than that. You must feel like Fred Flintstone when you back this thing up. This bike design screams for a reverse gear.

They also had a 2008 Kingpin Tour. Nice bike. I doubt it would really "tour" though... unless "touring" is driving a couple of hours total. But I may go back and take one for a ride.
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by Bob in ND »

I also test rode a Vision and really liked it. It is very smooth, powerful and handled very well. It fit me much better than a Gold Wing....more room. I'm waiting to try for new Voyager before I pull the trigger on anything.
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by Mr Jensee »

I looked at a Vision recently at a local dealership. I have to admit it was pretty impressive in an Art Deco sort of way. If I had unlimited funds, yeah I'd own one just because it would draw a crowd where-ever I'd park it. Victory has come a long way in a few years and the fit and finish on it look as good as HD, IMHO. Alas, I only have a one car garage! :gig:
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

You should be able to park 4 bikes where that one car is. :wnk2:

Like this:

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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

Mr Jensee wrote: Alas, I only have a one car garage! :gig:
...and Harbor Freight sells a motorcycle dolly that lets you roll the bikes around the garage, so you could fit 6 in there no problem. ... mber=95896
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by venus76084 »

I have not ridden the Victory because it does not appeal to me and it is too expensive. I have owned 3 wings and 2 HD electra glides and found them to be very comfortable, however the last wing(97) was too bulky and both HD's gave me problems that the HD shops could not fix. I went back to ridding Vulcans and have enjoyed them since. I now ride an 07 Nomad (24,000 miles) and I have a deposit on a new Voyager. For the money it is the most bike you will get. The Voyager XII line of bikes were an exceptional value and that is why people still love them 6 years after production stopped. Each person should ride what fits them or their wallet best. When the new Voyager comes in and I get to ride it a little, I will either trade in my Nomad and buy it or keep riding the Nomad if I do not like it.
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by Mr Jensee »

Chris near Kansas City wrote:You should be able to park 4 bikes where that one car is. :wnk2:

Like this:

Oh, good Lord! :oh:
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Not sure but I think Chris is starting his own Voyager XII musuem!
How long till the lift is installed so you can load up the rafters? :hmm:
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

If you lay them on their sides, they stack pretty well.
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

Scott-(Altoona, PA) wrote:Not sure but I think Chris is starting his own Voyager XII musuem!
Can you say 'obsession'? :gig:
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by HMB Don »

I got to ride a Victory Vision on the 29th at Tracy Motorsports, in Tracy Califorina. There were a few things that I wish the Voyager had, that the Vision has. Quite pipes, smooth engine, thats all, because after all of the miles I've ridden my Voyager I now know what I want in a V-Twin.

Wind protection Voyager, Power Voyager, Speakers Voyager, Tires Vision E 3s stock, Top Heavy Voyager, Shifting Voyager, Heat off engine Voyager, Note there isn't much wind protection for the legs on the Vision. Electric windscreen, ok but even in the up position I got a lot of wind. Of course I have a Clear View Shield on my Voyager, which makes a big difference with the wind, like no wind on the face. And last the Vision has no stock heel and toe shifter, this is a must on a touring motorcycle.

This was a 20 mile test ride with Interstate, two lane, plenty of turns and rolling hills. Was able to get the Vision up to speed 85 and hold it there for a few miles, smooth but the floor boards were just a shak'n, wind around the windshield. Then engine was smooth, the six speed transmission was good. When we got to the two lane road, it handled good and with the E 3 tires stock, stanless steel brake lines stock. I was able to get into the turns hard with lots of lean angle. Size of engine Voyager 103 vs 106 power has to go to the Voyager. One thing I've learned about the V-Twin engine is that you have to use the Transmission alot like when riding a 2-stroke engine.

The Trunk on the Vision was nice and big, just like the Voyager, the Vision has a 12 volt plug in the trunk. The saddle bags small, the Voyager wins hands down. But the bags on the Crossroads were what the Voyager should have, about the same size outside but with lots of room inside and the latch system was much better then the Voyager. But thats taking two bike to match the Voyager 1700.

It was a fun ride, I was told that you can buy different Cams to install in the Vision.

Met one Vision owner who might become a NorCal Voyager Member. So the demo ride was a membership drive and ride.

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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by DennyPotoczky »

I have test driven the Vision also; But I prefer the Victory CrossTour. In fact, it might actually be my next tour bike. Saddlebags are huge, a lot bigger than the vision. trunk holds a lot. Lots of extras. Styling is a little more 'standard' than the Vison - which I don't particularly care for. I especially like the model with the lowers and tour package on it.
It has all the pluses of Victory, without the Buck Rogers look...
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Re: Victory Vision Test Ride

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

DennyPotoczky wrote:I have test driven the Vision also; But I prefer the Victory CrossTour. In fact, it might actually be my next tour bike. Saddlebags are huge, a lot bigger than the vision. trunk holds a lot. Lots of extras. Styling is a little more 'standard' than the Vison - which I don't particularly care for. I especially like the model with the lowers and tour package on it.
It has all the pluses of Victory, without the Buck Rogers look...
Test ride one in a good cross wind before you decide. For me the front end felt heavy with that big handlebar mounted fairing on it. Personally I think the Voyager is a better looking bike than both Victory touring models, but I think the Victory chassis is better put together. Fit and finish. Don't know anything about their drivetrains and reliability.

I like the modularity of the CrossTour. Parts can be stripped off for local cruising and added back for touring with the optional quick release brackets.
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