84 voyager 1300 DFI Problems

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84 voyager 1300 DFI Problems

Post by Maverick1 »

recently purchased a 1984 1300 voyager, it has digital fuel injection, it was running well when i got the bike 4 weeks ago, and it still runs good, but is VERY hard to start, it appears to be rich as hell when starting, especially when warm, (no so bad when cold) if i hold the throttle wide open, and crank and crank on the starter.it will catch and run.seems to run good after that, the DFI warning on the dash is flashing. This all seemed to begin after i had the tank off the bike to repair the wireing for the brake lights ,is there somewere i should begin looking? I called the Local Kawasaki Dealer, they dont have and CANT get me a service manual, and they all, but 1, refuse to work on it because of its age, the last one said "this is the busy time of year and them older bikes are time consuming, come see me in november".... so much for the professionals. I am a good mech, and should be able to fix this if you could give me a few tips on diagnosing this fuel injection. is there a way to "pull the codes"? I have a scan tool, but cant find an ALDL port. or data port of anykind. Im thining that its probably a sensor i have somehow damaged in the tank removal or wireing repair.... any informaton you guys can give would be GREAT!!......thanks, Maverick
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Scott in IL
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Post by Scott in IL »

Welcome Maverick.
Every once in a while, you can find the repair manual on ebay. There are two, the one for a 1300 and the supplement for the Voyager.
On the front of the DFI computer, the thing above the battery with a big wiring harness connected, there is a small window next to the big plug. It will flash a code, like morse code. If I remember tomorrow, I will take my manual to work, scan the page that tells what the codes mean, and try to send to you.
You might have disconnected or damaged a wire to one of the sensors.
I would also like to suggest that you check out the Voyager 1300 Yahoo Group. You can find allot of other information from us other Voyager 1300 owners.
I hope you enjoy what we lovenly call the beast.

Scott in IL
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The Count
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Post by The Count »

I have a 1300 supplement manual if you are interested. PM me if you are.....The Count
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the little flashing light

Post by Maverick1 »

Bill i sent you a private message

i went out and took the seat off Big Jake, looked for the little light, and sure enought!...there it was... i switched on the bike, and watched the little green light, ....1long flash, 3 short flashes, long pause,.... repeat... anybody with a manual tell me what this means?

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The Count
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Post by The Count »

I sent you a reply. I checked the supplement. It does not have the info you require.....The Count
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Post by Airtrax »


Contact Dave Ewing at david@kz1300.com, and see his website at http://www.kz1300.com.

He is the premier authority on 1300's. Even makes his own DFI kits.

Good luck.
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Scott in IL
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Post by Scott in IL »

Page 3-5 of the supplement shows that it means that there is a problem with the engine temperature sensor. That is the one by the intake to the head between cylinders 4 & 5.
Have checked the Yahoo group yet?
I think there are a couple of other 1300 owners in your area. You could get together with them to find out more.

Scott in IL
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Post by Maverick1 »

that was it.... i tested the wire to the temp sensor, and it had an internal break.... i replaced the wire and VIOLA!... the DFI warning is gone.. and Big Jake runs like the beast he really is...

thanks ten thousand times to all of you!!

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