Fuel Mileage from the 1300

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Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by dsmith »

I'm curious as to the fuel mileage everyone gets from there 1300's. The best I've gotten so far is about 33 . Whats the norm.
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by Me Again »

I usually get mid to upper 30's depending on how I ride.high was 44mpg when I spent an entire day riding country roads at around 45 mph.Drops to 30 if I'm just short tripping around town.
33 usually requires an overloaded trailer and a highway.
Try running some injector cleaner thru and see if it doesn't improve some.
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by Scott in IL »

To and from work, the trip meter will say between 28 & 32, depending on how well the bike is running. Runs better when warmed up, 6 bars on the temp gauge. I get better mileage in warm weather. Last summer going through Arkansas, Texas, and New Mexico, it said mid to upper 30s at 70 MPH. In colder weather on the highway I am lucky to get 30. (I may play with the TPS this spring)
The best I ever saw on the current mpg setting was 70 coasting downhill.
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by Me Again »

The best I ever saw on the current mpg setting was 70 coasting downhill.

You need to find a longer hill.
I've seen over 150mpg on a good hill.
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by Pure Pork »

We usually get around 40-42 riding highway. :cold:
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by 38 special »

So far I get around 33 most of the time on short runs. Have gotten as much as 45 on longer runs. It seems to vary.
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by Comatose »

Just got my Voyager 1 1/2 weeks ago, then did a 2000 mile trip last week. Best i saw was 49 mpg from Price, UT down to Moab, UT. Worst was Albuquerque to Gallup, NM about 36 mpg. Averaged i think around 42-43 for the trip.

1st leg of trip Albuquerue to Las Vegas, usually 80-85 mph. 2nd leg was up to Ogden, Ut north of SLC, usually 75-80 mpg. 3rd leg back down to Albuquerque area, usually 65-75.

Was very impressed with the MPG, and i am loving the bike so far. I need to get a more cozy seat though :gig:

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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by LonnieD »

which model do you have? Pictures
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Re: Fuel Mileage from the 1300

Post by addonii »

As you might notice the fuel mileage varies all over the place, dependent on gear, load, rpm, and speed. If you set your trip computer to "Current MPG" and periodically take a look you get a real good idea as to what your getting. Don't get mesmerized with watching that display as you will end up in the rear end of some vehicle in front of you.

The trip computer updates every 2.5 seconds according to the Owners Manual.

As far as my bike I've seen everything from about 9 mph to over 60 mph (briefly).

Normal riding will net you in the 30's with mid 40's being the norm.

Notice that there is a "CRUISE" button just to the left of the ignition switch. If you push the button to the on position (there is a display on your instrument panel that tells you its on) you don't get cruise control like your car but a leaning out of the injection which will under certain circumstances give you slightly better mileage. Word of caution here - because of changes in fuel (read here crappy gasohol) I suggest not using the Cruise mode to get better gas mileage as the engine is already running leaner than it did back in the mid 80's with the gasohol we now use, rather than when it was new with real gas and this will contribute to running hotter.
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