You will need the KZ1300 and ZN1300 shop manuals to work on the bike.
Hard copy source is here:
99924-1015-05 - Official 1979-1983 Kawasaki KZ1300 Factory Service Manual
99924-1037-03 - Official 1983-1989 Kawasaki Voyager 1300 Factory Service Manual Supplement
I suggest you look over the following sites:
To get a complete picture on how to work on the bike you need to look over the AVA where you already are and also:
You need to join the following and you will get access to a bunch of files to download and be able to view forums discussing the bike in its several form
You can download the shop & owners manuals for the KZ1300 (shop manual is also known as the Base Manual) You will find the ZN1300 manual constantly refers back to the Base manual for basics common to both version of the bike.
There is a site in eastern Europe. I’ve never had a problem with spam or viruses but then again I run a Mac and not a PC – just as a point of info, if you run a PC just make sure your up to date on your virus protection
To get a complete picture on the bike you need this manual and the
ZN1300 I mentioned previously. ... anual.html
If your interested on the owners manual for the KZ1300 download it here. ... anual.html