Word must have got out that we was going to be there because the place was packed lol
We grabbed a couple tables and moved them under a tree to get some shade to sit in.
We found a nice tree to get under as the temp had to be ticking 90 today.
After eating some good food and drink ( rumor has it that Doug was forced to have a Root Beer float) we headed out
for the ride home, again I was lost most of the way and it was great, playing follow the leader. He even found some hills and curves in Fla. to ride. lol. Got back to Cocoa and we stopped for a cool drink and bathroom break before going off on our own ways back home. Lori and I ended up riding down A1A along the beach from Patrick Air Force base to Ft. Pierce.
We made one stop to get the kinks out on the beach in Vero before heading to the house, got home around 7pm. It was a great day with good people and I had no idea where I was most the time, Priceless. lol OH and yes that is Pool Fun Noodles on my highway pegs, They look stupid but are very comfy on the backs of my ankles when I lay my legs across them on long rides, I take them off when I'm not on the Highways. lol Lori wanted me to get pink ones instead, NOT. lol